So, anti-government Tea Party asshat Ted Cruz doesn't want to give up control of the internet.

So, anti-government Tea Party asshat Ted Cruz doesn't want to give up control of the internet. You know, because he doesn't fully trust capitalism.


Troy G said…
Your statement makes no sense... Ted Cruz is anti neutrality... meaning he wants to leave it how it is now.. with no government regulations or control. Maybe you should learn what you are talking about before you post
Bryce Miller said…
Troy G you tell the poster to learn before posting, while you are clearly demonstrating you don't even know what his post is about.
Do you even know what ICANN is? This article is about the U.S. relinquishing its ICANN oversight.
Tom McGill said…
Love morons, specifically when they dogpile on like good little "Libertarians". (An odd term for a bunch of folks that consider themselves independent thinkers yet group think nonstop)
Troy G said…
Bryce Miller
yes I do, and I believe the DNS naming should be controlled privately.  THe problem is obama wants to hand over control to his billionaire buddies.  do you have any idea how valuable dns control is on the internet?!   but the way which he presented the article was false, and that's what i was correcting, not the article itself.  Ted cruz doesn't want to stop it because he doesn't have faith in the free market.  he wants to stop it because of the crooked way the rights are being handed off.
Jason ON said…
THe problem is obama wants to hand over control to his billionaire buddies.

Isn't that called capitalism?
Kevin Hagus said…
Jason ON No...that's called selling out the country that you're supposed to be protecting.
Jason ON said…
How? Billionaires run the telecommunications industry. They run the vehicle manufacturers, the energy industries, shipping, travel, etc. Do you see my point? Billionaires run everything. Why is turning over one more thing to billionaires such an affront when the GOP has been "privatizing" just about everything they can for decades?
Troy G said…
Jason ON
no fair free market capitalism is good.... what he's doing is Cronyism.  He's rigging the game instead of letting the game play itself.  The free market when left alone always adjusts correctly.
Jason ON said…
Troy G, so privatizing this is crony capitalism but privatizing anything else is just good capitalism? How much was privatized under Bush? Under Clinton? Under Bush and Reafan before that? And yet when Obama indicates he wants to it's crony capitalism? How?
Cipher Naught said…
Jason ON Dude, playing stupid isn't working for you.
Jason ON said…
Cipher Naught, jumping into a conversation and calling one party stupid isn't working for you.
Cipher Naught said…
Jason ON Read my comment again. I didn't call you stupid; quite the contrary.
But hey! if you want to take offense where none was given, feel free.
Jason ON said…
You're right. I read that wrong last night.

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