Religion in (Texas) politics.

Religion in (Texas) politics. Or, how some politicians want to ignore the founding fathers and disregard the separation clause in an effort to push their own theological agenda.

It's a good read.


John Bump said…
This is probably why they are so keen on keeping Muslims out: they realize, deep down, that the only way having religion running things is good is if it's their religion.
Jason ON said…
John Bump, I recently shut up a pro-religion in politics person on Fox News​ by telling him that all these religious freedom laws also protect Muslim freedoms of religion.
John Bump said…
Remember the punchup in Louisiana, where they'd moved a bunch of state money to fund religious schools and then someone opened a madrassa and applied for funding and everyone's head exploded?
Jason ON said…
No, but I remember the Phoenix freedom of religion movement that was swiftly shut down when the Satanists demanded the same privileges.

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