This is why gators hate us.

This is why gators hate us.

via Chris Sewell​

Originally shared by matt d

Man always gets his revenge.


Jason ON said…
Exactly, Elizabeth Hahn​.
John Bump said…
Assia Alexandrova "florida man" strikes again!
Stacy Sanchez said…
I really hope that's not a true story.
Dmitriy Briskin said…
That is NOT how you drink gatorade!
Social Sexual Darwinism? :/
John Bump said…
Only if there's a baby.
I'm suddenly reminded of hearing Dan Savage talk about the weirdest conversation he'd ever had, where he was interviewing a guy who was having an ongoing sexual interaction with a horse, and at one point Dan asked "uh, female or male horse?" and the guy was all "female, of course: I'm not a WEIRDO."

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