Denver Police Department is filled with cops who have bad attitudes.

Denver Police Department is filled with cops who have bad attitudes.

I once witnessed a driver of a sedan in I-25 traffic with no hands on the wheel of the vehicle. In one hand he had a burger or something and in the other he had his cell phone. Traffic was moving at about 45MPH.

I called DPD and reported the driver as being unsafe. The lady at dispatch was very attentive as I gave the license plate number and described the white four-door sedan.

"Are there any other markings?" she asked.

"Yes," I added. "On the side and the back of the vehicle it says Denver Police Department."

"Uh, okay, sir. I'll transfer you to internal affairs."

Paul Wolfe​​


Ross MacRae said…
I also heard that at the time, no one has logged a complaint to the Denver police regarding this video, so they have not investigated it... Does it have to be the guy on the Motorcycle, or can I call it in from Canada? That cop is a disgrace. Glad this video is getting exposure. It's the best way to bring light to these types of situations. Would love to hear how his friends, family, kids (if any) are taking this.
Jason ON said…
I'm sure it will get investigated, even if informally, now that it's getting such attention.
Micheal Wilde said…
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