I wondered about that.

I wondered about that. I moved to Colorado just a week or so before the shootings at Columbine and I remember clearly the news showing the dozens of officers standing around while Dylan and Klebold were shooting up their school. Then the other mass shootings where we saw the exact same behavior from different departments across the country. And most recently in Orlando where the police gave the shooter carte blanche for hours while they waited.

It seems to me that cops have no problem shooting unarmed men out in the open, but an armed one actively killing others? They wait.

Originally shared by The Associated Press

"We live in a different world. And action beats inaction 100 percent of the time," said Chris Grollnek, an expert on active-shooter tactics.


Ryan Petrain said…
I think, given the general attitude towards the LGBT community, that this is a real possibility.

I think it needs to be looked into, if nothing more to clear the air if there was not a delay.
Ronnie Boadi said…
This article has been removed. Weird
Jason ON said…
Ronnie Boadi, I still see it (on mobile).
Ronnie Boadi said…
Is it cached maybe? You should save the HTML to desktop just in case.
Ronnie Boadi said…
Scratch that, it works now.

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