On the left is the original post.

On the left is the original post. It's obviously there since March, so it's not like he deleted it as I tried to share or something. On the left is when I tried to share his post, with comment.

Weird Google.

Oh, by the way, his stream is filled with anti-Obama, anti-progressive, anti social justice and civil rights BS.


Jeffrey J Davis said…
Maybe cached locally on your end?
I just tried to share it and it worked fine. He didn't block you or anything did he?
Jason ON said…
Ah ...  I don't know. Maybe. We were debating on a Fuax News post. It wouldn't surprise me if he was one of those sore loser types.
Jason ON Oh So Jason do you want my number
My response explained quite clearly why I don't live in a bubble. You don't want to know that, do you? You're just another sour puss Republican. Tough.  I've heard the Republican viewpoint for 20 years. No more. I'm done.

You just want the right to post your retrogressive views and are upset that someone doesn't want to post them anymore. I gave legitimate views for my decision (taken after 20 years of vitriol and venom from nutcase American Republicans). It was not a rapid decision. My views are pretty much the same views held by most people outside American.
Jason ON Aw Jason how's life going
Jason ON said…
Ha ha ha! She came to my stream to "chew me out" make an false accusation (that I'm a republican) and then blocked me so I couldn't respond. 

All for having the nerve to say if you block opposing positions then you're putting yourself into a bubble - and echo chamber - of your own beliefs. To which she's, apparently, a fan.

This is the post in question, if anyone cares: https://plus.google.com/+TessaSchlesinger/posts/6XonJHfx5f5

As you can see, all I was doing was questioning the idea that a bubble is healthy for society.
Jason ON Hi Jason how are you doing
Wait, so Tessa just blocked you? That's a crazy misunderstanding if I ever saw one.  I thought she was just repeating what she said on the original thread.
Jason ON said…
I don't know, Reverend Eric Ha​. I'm just going to go with she's intolerant. This isn't the first time she's called me conservative or a Republican for disagreeing with her. I don't think she's as full of understanding as she thinks she is.
Jason Bayton said…
Blimey what a nut job. She certainly knows how to big herself up doesn't she?
Theresa Reel said…
Gotta love narrow scope, intolerant folks ... but hey since you are a man they block you; when you are a woman they call you a c*nt and threaten you.  Gotta love unstable, people with keyboards, and small intellect.

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