America's police forces don't just kill with their guns.

America's police forces don't just kill with their guns. They also kill with their cars, for nothing more than a minor traffic infraction.

In Colorado, I believe, they are not allowed to chase if the speeds hit 80 mph due to that being the "kill speed."

Besides, radio is faster than a car. Any car.

Originally shared by Ryan “IT Lab” Drewrey

High speed pursuits kill hundreds of cops. 
They kill thousands of suspects, and thousands of innocent bystanders who just happened to be there. 

In only a tiny percent, are these people murderers or violent offenders - they often are facing minor traffic citations or arrests for insurance or registration infractions. 

So why do we still do them?

Because cops find it fun, they are never at fault, and have nothing to lose.


My hometown has had multiple accidents that have killed innocents over the years and the city will under NO circumstances accept fault. A cop ran a red light and hit my friend and his wife on their wedding day....on the way to the reception and guess how much fault they took. That's right, zero. They'll pay out but they'll never say "oops, we should train them better".
Oh, I should mention that most of those deaths didn't actually involve a high speed chase but just an officer speeding because they could.

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