Having taken Native American Politics in college I was already aware of most of these issues facing the indigenous...

Having taken Native American Politics in college I was already aware of most of these issues facing the indigenous people's lives every single day. The one about the new AZ land grab, while not a new story, is new and the one about the telescope in Hawai'i is also new. 


Rania Linderman said…
Going to school at Arizona State University, Tempe Campus  back in the early 2000, I met a lot of Native people from many different tribes. One of my dearest friends Kim was a Dine (Navajo) from Window Rock area. She was going to school at ASU and that is how we met. She took me many, many times to places off limits to non-tribal members. It was an honor being shown around Navajo Nation and welcomed with open arms and history lessons. The poverty was high, and so was drug and alcohol abuse. Which in 2009 was the fate of my girlfriend. It was the most heartbreaking news and one of the most emotional funerals I have ever attended. She's buried in land so secret I would have to have a family member take me there to visit her again. 

Anyways, in the end there are so many tribal issues that I honestly have no idea how there is any peace. There are internal struggles, local, federal struggles, the dying of language and culture. It will be interesting to see the future of it all as I grow old. In the end, their culture holds a special place in my heart.

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