I'm only sharing this as a reminder that some people are total douchebags and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm only sharing this as a reminder that some people are total douchebags and there's nothing you can do about it. For example, this genius thinks it's okay to hit you on your motorcycle because, hey, if you were worried about dying on your commute, you would have bought a car - or probably, a truck. I have to believe that if you were hit in a Smart Car, Fiat or Mini Copper this assclown would blame your choice of smaller car.
And if you're in Texas, I want to know: is this par for course there or are people respectful of motorcycles?
Originally shared by Harley Mann
Please repost so this asshole's face is known to ALL bikers!!! Thank you.
It's a good reminder to be careful what you post, huh? You never know who will just rip you a new one.
Hoda Kotb from the Today Show said something stupid like, "We are dressed in leathers like biker, really like losers," and she was pretty sorry the next day too, issuing apologies and donating money to biker charities. People just don't think sometimes.