We've all been there.

We've all been there. Some asshat thinks it's okay to try and run you off the road or reach out their window to smack you with something, or follow you to a traffic light and start a fist fight.

If you have a GoPro​, or some other action cam setup, it might be a good idea to keep it running all the time.


Jason ON I want to be on whatever that biker is on.  He is so damn mellow.
Jason ON said…
I agree. I don't think I could have been as mellow as him.
If I was the biker I would not have been so nice.
My road brothers would have taught that bad person a lesson they would not ever forget.
My boyfriend rides with the best motercycle club in the world.
Sash Walker said…
I just took on an Amazon today. I think I could take this dude.
I did, however, get a police escort out of town. I love pissing some people off.
Pablo H. said…
That guy is possessed or under PCP. Did anyone noticed his weird eyes?
Jason ON said…
I did, Pablo H.​ but, some people just have buggy eyes.
Kyong Kim said…
I'd be the dumbass taken off to jail even tho I started as the victim, it's happened before. Touching my girl riding 2 up?!? Awww, hell naw, I'm going HAM on Mr Meth face.
Let me tell you, I had a chick hit my mirror going between me in my lane and the shoulder...so I followed her to the gas station. Where she proceeded to punch my helmet. Not once. Not twice but three separate times...she was not so well equipped so punching her in the nose was actually quite easy, now I wasn't even wearing a full face, in fact a very small beanie! So either this chick had no aim , or......well, let's just say her fist was a little sore that's just one time with a stupid driver trying to adult me on my bike... The rest were all men...what is it with some dudes...they see someone on a motorcycle and I guess deep inside it must make them feel immasculated !
The O'Sullivan Law Firm   you got that right!

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