But hey, Global Warming is fake, right?

But hey, Global Warming is fake, right? Scientists across the globe are conspiring together in an effort to destroy the fossil fuel industry. Right?

Gov. Rick Scott of Florida is a huge climate change denier and his state will be the first one under water. Of course, by then, it won't he his problem, so who cares?

Originally shared by ****

Time to invest in higher-up real-estate. Not a good time to own property on the coast.


Andres Soolo said…
Does Goldman Sachs offer instruments for selling seafront properties in Florida short?
The deniers will have a field day with Hansen's decision to publish before peer review--even as they downplay the peer review of thousands of other climate papers.

My money says the peer review and replication not only confirms Hansen's results, but find them to be conservative. After all, virtually every result we've seen on warming and sea level rise has resulted in an increased rate over previous studies.

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