Police shooting reporting needs to be a thing. Now.

Police shooting reporting needs to be a thing. Now.

Originally shared by Wes Forster

The juxtaposition against number of officers killed is interesting.

Line of Duty Deaths: 67

That's 9 to 1, civilians vs line of duty.

Check out this link. 



Jason ON said…
So, in the first six months of this year, a little over 600 people have died at the hands of a government representatives. In a Republic, you don't think that's an issue, Shannon Ware​?
Shannon Ware said…
Jason ON I do. And I know that the Attorney General mandated that local police report civilian homicides in 1994, and still they do not. Coupled with the general militarization of America local police forces, I think this is going to get worse before it gets better.
This would be better if it was adjusted per capita
Jason ON said…
Why per capita? It's the number of people killed by police, not the percentage of people killed by police.

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