The Houstonian should publish an entire issue about biracial families and send it out to everyone who complained...

The Houstonian should publish an entire issue about biracial families and send it out to everyone who complained about this ad.

Otherwise, good job, Houstonian. Don't stand for bigotry.

via Sarah Rios 

Originally shared by Valkyrie

Awesome response to overt racism.


Shannon Ware said…
Scott Wilson I was wondering where I saw that 'Ashton Martini' before. DISCLAIMER: Martinis and Aston Martins are not to be mixed in most jurisdictions.
Shannon Ware said…
'Fred' is afraid of the times that he lives in. He may even be afraid that his cheerleader daughter is attracted to 'certain' linebackers.

I suppose I could accept it if people like 'Dr. Tomball' were simply opposed to 'race mixing' and left it at that. But often enough they turn out to have had an affair with a black woman, or be into weird gay prostitution. The hypocrisy and diversionary hatred is what I can't abide.

Finally, I disagree with Scott Vogel taking Dr. Tomball off of his subscription list. Even though Houstonia does not appear to be a socio-political magazine, they have obviously broken ground in Dr. Tomball's world view.

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