Many organizations use friendly sounding names to fool the public into supporting them. Were you fooled?

Many organizations use friendly sounding names to fool the public into supporting them. Were you fooled?

Originally shared by Ole Olson

Corporate America Strikes Back Against Net Neutrality

Television Ads have begun to air coast to coast by a corporate front group called "Broadband for America" that inaccurately claims that the Title II regulations that will enshrine #NetNeutrality  are some type of government overreach. This blatant propaganda is clearly designed to try to trick gullible fools with the usual bullshit right wing talking points about how regulations are supposedly bad for consumers.

For those who don't know, NN has been in legal limbo for years, and greedy cable corporate villains like Comcast and Charter want to create #SlowLanes  for any company, organization, or person that can't afford to pay them more money for express delivery. That would take away the freedom of consumers to have equal access to any content they want. It is the epitome of corporate tyranny. 

Let broadband4us know in no uncertain terms that their propaganda is not welcome. And let your congressperson know that they need to support #TitleII  protections of Net Neutrality. 

#ConsumerProtection   #Internet   #CableCompanies


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