There is more than likely more to the story, but if true then she should be seeking more than $50,000 in...

There is more than likely more to the story, but if true then she should be seeking more than $50,000 in compensation.


Dunken K Bliths said…
Yes, if true... that's classified as murder !
Jason ON said…
Especially in a state that said if a woman can't carry to term she's a murderer.
Marla Caldwell said…
Jason ON​ cite? As far as I know, that's Indiana, not Georgia.

Regardless, this is horrible abuse of power.
Jason ON said…

Marla Caldwell​ its under "Legal Protection of Newborn"
Marla Caldwell said…
Jason ON  I'm not sure "Under Georgia criminal law, the killing of an unborn child at any stage of gestation is defined as a form of homicide" equates to "if a woman can't carry to term she's a murderer, unless that is upheld by actual conviction of a woman for having a miscarriage, but GA is definitely one of the more backward states as far as reproductive rights. Thanks for looking, BTW. I would have, but busy busy today.

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