Everyone's a damned photographer!

Everyone's a damned photographer!

I feel the same way about HDR. Just because your phone/software/camera has that feature it doesn't make you a photographer.

Originally shared by Trude Hell



I've never imagined myself a photographer. Back in the day of actual film cameras I took the lousiest shots imaginable. Got so that I would never take a shot even if given someone else's camera. I'm slowly getting to the point where I take a shot with my phone (the new one I just got is taking some getting used to camerawise)--but I'll never give myself that particular moniker.
Liz Kimber said…
I have a proper camera, and understand f stops and shutter speeds and focal lengths, but i dont consider myself a photographer really. Sadly to me, hdr "photos" are pictures, not photos, to me a photo is painstakingly setup to capture something, not what technology or software can do with it. A picture is a representation, hand done or manipulated and can be perfectly beautiful... But its not a photo
Don Johnson said…
I knew a amateur photographer. Always had a satchel and one or two cameras around his neck. He'd take 2-3 hundred shots, never ask anyone to "pose" and "disappeared" from group/family outings constantly. Once n a helicopter.

Never sold a one but he has dozens of great slide carousels and thousands of negatives.

I HATE bossy picture takers. My uncle Larry spoiled me.

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