Just saw a Profile that had "Restricted" in the red box where you'd normally "Add to Circles."

Just saw a Profile that had "Restricted" in the red box where you'd normally "Add to Circles."

That's the first I've seen that.


Tim Bond said…
Interesting. Does the person have any public posts?
Jason ON said…
No. Unfortunately, I moved on and can't recall his name. He'd requested entry into a Community I own and I denied him access partially based on this. He seemed to follow a lot of communities with scantily clad women so maybe he broke a Google rule or something.
Kipling Cox said…
It's usually age restriction.

You can't see his profile until you are 18.
Jason ON said…
I'm fairly certain I'm over 18 ...
Robert Wallis said…
Jason ON​ it's their ..
Set country and age restrictions for your Google+ profile and content settings.

It causes people, who have set it but don't understand the implications, a lot of problems.
Just saw one earlier this week.

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