I may like this more than LifeGem​.

I may like this more than LifeGem​.

Originally shared by Jeff Richards

Now this, I like.


Gee Willikers said…
I work in the paper tube industry. We recently made a tube for the organic burial of pets.
Jason ON said…
Breanna Paderewski and Sky Warnke did that a few years ago, themselves. I think they were making boxes, though.
Marla Caldwell said…
My grandfather has a tree fed by his body which my mother likes to visit. I've told my family for years no ridiculous metal coffin for me. Biodegradable coffin or cremation for me, either way.
Gee Willikers said…
It a lot more permanent than the 100 year lease cemetery plots available around here.
Jason ON said…
100 year leases? Do they plan on building haunted houses after 100 years?
Gee Willikers said…
Well, my dad has told me (years ago) the plots are leased. After 100 years they dig you up and cremate what's left. Now, I was a kid when he told me this, so now I'm not so sure he was telling the truth.

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