While I'm no fan of Andrew Garfield playing Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Sony needs to stop with the reboots.

While I'm no fan of Andrew Garfield playing Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Sony needs to stop with the reboots. Believe it or not, Peter Parker went on to college, graduate school and a career.


Maybe it won't be Peter Parker. He's not the only Spider Man.
Hugh Smith said…
Make him older and the story darker..... I am sick of High school Spidey let's see him jaded and edgey...
Marvel said they really want a teenager this time around, rumor is the kid from maze runner Dylan O'brien or the Percy Jackson kid Logan Lerman
Shane Graef said…
Hugh Smith Totally agree, we've seen it already over and over. And stop with the yeeeeeee whooooooo, when hes web slinging through town.
Amelie Harms said…
It'll be interesting to see what Marvel does with Spiderman now. I hope we'll see Miles Morales, but sadly I don't think that'll happen. :-(
Tobias Harms said…
I actually like the fun spider man who likes his powers and seems to have fun fighting bad guys. The emo ones as in Sony's first train crashes not so much...

But the reboot seems to be marvel's idea not Sony's.
Nathan Suray said…
It can't really be with Miles Morales because then Peter Parker would have to die first
Hamiz Ahnaf said…
I'm totally agree with this. They need to move on. Maguire, Garfield and who's next? Deja vu all over again with same highschool peter. I'm not gonna see uncle ben die the third times.
Tobias Harms said…
They didn't just mean a new actor to go with cap then? Spidy doesn't have to be new at the gig just because the actor is
Tobias Harms said…
Miles could come through a rift in the space time continuance or something. Stranger things has happened :-)
Toby was a good Spiderman but sucked as Peter Parker and Andrew was a good Peter Parker but sucked as Spiderman the guy from Maze Runner I think would be a good pic.. but they need to bring him in already as Spiderman and not another origin story cause I agree with Hamiz Ahnaf​ I ain't tryna see his uncle die a 3rd time
Gem F said…
Sony isn't rebooting, they lost the rights. Marvel is merely engaging in the time honored tradition of deciding to toss what those other people did that didn't work and start over, bringing spiderman in line with all their other movie franchises.
Sir Cakington said…
Gabi Fielden Sony didn't loose the rights, they still own him, they're just collaborating with Marvel.
Johnny Boy said…
Gabi Fielden Wrong Sony still has creative control over the character Sony still are going forward with Spider-Man standalone movies they just allowing there Spider-Man to join the MCU.
Johnny Boy said…
Hamiz Ahnaf no I bet they will mention the origin has a short montage or a flashback and just have Peter Parker with his Spider-Man suit.
Jason ON said…
YaBoySpartan Farrell​, I'm the exact opposite. I think Maguire was a excellent Peter Parker and Garfield was terrible.
Stephen Lewis said…
This new story line being from the beginning, again, all because Sony wouldn't play nice until now (the profits have dropped) so where does Spidey fit into MCU? If he existed why didn't he pitch in with the Avengers? So reboot with the MCU in mind and hope their profits for stand alone films increase, or Marvel will reclaim the rights.
Tobias Harms said…
I wouldn't mind if they would let Peter rest for a couple of years. I'm much more interested in seeing a movie with Carol Denvers or Kamala Kahn.
Jason ON​ ha.. ahh yeah I hear that
Andrew OMalley said…
I liked him he was great.
Richard Kraemer said…
Have him young so he's learning to be a hero. He's thrown into the world of the Avengers, but he's really a shy high school geek that is bound to make some mistakes before saving the day.
Kshitij Singh said…
He was very good I'm quite sad that he will not play peter in d next movie
Kshitij Singh said…
James Hollenbeck u r quite right maybe they will get miles morales who maybe played by Donald glover d guy who was tony in community d show
Kshitij Singh said…
Tobias Harms but according to d show morales is in Peter's school
Kshitij Singh said…
Uche Ewelike marvel have d rights but d shooting will b done by aony
Sir Cakington said…
Bruce Wayne It's the other way round.
Kshitij Singh said…
No marvel has bought d rights
Jason ON said…
Bruce Wayne​, Sony still has the rights to the Spider-Man character, at least in regards to film. They're merely partnering with Marvel's movie division to bring Spidey into the fold.

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