I still want to see it, and Blackhat.
I still want to see it, and Blackhat. I just don't know if I want to pay a theater a lot of money to see it and more money to enjoy a popcorn with it.
(See also: M. Night Shyamalan)
I think that instead I will give my money to Netflix and Amazon. If anyone can unseat lazy formulaic film making, it's them.
Eric von Foerster, the trailer's been playing on TV it seems like during each commercial break.
The article completely forgets about the third option: c) Independent studios funded by the likes of Netflix and Amazon producing quality material at a fraction of the cost of major production powerhouses. Granted, this wasn't an option a decade ago, but now broadband Internet has given online-only distributors an opportunity to unseat entrenched film business model.
Bottom line - if Hollywood doesn't want to take risks, they won't benefit from rewards. Someone else will though, and they are the ones worth supporting with our money.
Marvel's Daredevil Netflix show looks promising, but that series has Marvel/Disney money funding it, not Netflix.
The only real place I see chances being taken is on the small screen. With premium channels (HBO/Showtime/Cinemax) making original content, cable channels creating original content as well as the broadcast networks, for truly original risks, the small screen is where it's at.
for truly original risks, the small screen is where it's at
And I'm perfectly fine with that. My popcorn tastes better than the stuff they sell at 10x the price at the theater anyways :p