I have a lot of friends who are Christians in one form or another.

I have a lot of friends who are Christians in one form or another. They're friendly, polite and can even be entertaining. Until they learn I'm an atheist. Then they stop calling, stop meeting for drinks and (on social media) start posting "Come to Jesus" posts in a passive a aggressive manner.

But as much as I try I can't seem to get anyone them to send me the sort of vitriol Bonnie and Mikey Weinstein are receiving. I'd love to publish a book.


Jason ON said…
I dated a very devout catholic once. It was awesome. She thought I was the devil. ;)
Jason ON said…
I still think about it. ;)
Amelie Harms said…
Jason ON You see, this is why I post all those Christian memes to you. ;-)
Americo Mendez said…
I know that feel bro! They are always open to talk about anything until they discover the atheism in you. Then they only talk about religion and its "goodness". Then its one who learn that they were never sincere and don´t respect what they preach. Freedom of will.

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