I'm still trying to figure out how no court in the nation has decided "civil asset forfeiture" is unconstitutional.

I'm still trying to figure out how no court in the nation has decided "civil asset forfeiture" is unconstitutional. I mean, it's one of those things that's very clearly written right there in the Bill of Rights in the Fourth Amendment.


James Karaganis said…
Arguably the most blatantly psychotic of Trump's department head choices.

I would love to see your head on a pike outside on the White House lawn, Mr. Sessions. You are an affront to any civilized society.
John Bump said…
I have lawyer friends who agree that civil asset forfeiture is unconstitutional. I wish we could get some legal precedents.
Bob Lai said…
The desired legal precedents requires someone actually sue the agency or government department conducting said seizure, have it found unconstitutional, and have that ruling survive all appeals/challenges up to SCOTUS. And then SCOTUS needs to affirm those lower rulings or kick it back.
Olaf Fichtner said…
You could start calling it a "communist activity". I mean, the state is taking property from people who have done nothing wrong, using it for itself, isn't that something only supposed to be happening in "communist dictatorships"? Isn't that "unamerican"?
Olaf Fichtner said…
James Karaganis you watched too much Babylon 5...
James Karaganis said…
Yes. Every episode. Still, in a just society none of Trump's people would be in positions of power.
Olaf Fichtner said…
James Karaganis as G'Kar said: It's an imperfect universe...
Bob Lai said…
"I could nail your head to the table and feed your charred remains to the Pak'mara, but it's an imperfect world, and we don't always get what we want."
-- John Sheridan

"I have seen what power does. I have seen what power costs. One is never equal to the other."
-- G'Kar
James Karaganis said…
Hm, some good material there.
Jeff Sessions is a Christian terrorist.
Jason ON said…
Adamlee Borchardt, oh muffin, unless we're talking about professional basket weaving I'm rarely out of my element.
You are too chickenshit to admit that we have squatting Christian Terrorists in the White House bro - you're a professional d-bag.
Jason ON said…
If Mike Pence were president, I'd agree with you, Adamlee Borchardt, but he isn't (yet). You see, unlike yourself, I deal in reality while you, apparently, can't ignore the voices coming from the mirror. You know what they say about he who screams loudest, right?

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