
... and in Colorado Springs there's a woman literally running around and leaving her mark. No word yet on whether or not she carried a bag on her.


MTD said…
I read this earlier. I couldn't bring myself to post it, it's just so wrong
What is wrong with people?! Who in a civilised world thinks this is suitable behaviour?
Jason ON said…
Rob Andersen I had a very wrought internal debate that lasted about a minute and a half.
Jason ON said…

Apparently the "Mad Pooper" has a spokesperson and that person claims the Pooper is suffering from side effects from gender reassignment surgery.
krdo.com - Attorneys discuss rights to pooping in public after "Mad Pooper" video release
Jason ON urgh, whatever the excuse is - it's definitely not legal, definitely not comparable to breast feeding. I'd question if the person is really a lawyer - but to be honest, a lawyer probably would try something silly like that as a defence. My final point comes to the traumatic brain injury issue - if the individual in question really can't control their bowels - then they really should not be walking about in public, or they should look into adult nappies. No point sugar coating it - it's simply not acceptable if that person was in a shop or on a bus and suddenly pulled their pants down and had a shit.

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