This line bothers me. Well, a lot of thing's about this bothers me, but this one at the moment:

This line bothers me. Well, a lot of thing's about this bothers me, but this one at the moment:

"It will operate under Israeli military directives."

As a veteran I can promise you, no US military person wants to take orders from a foreign leader. As far as I know, unless outsourced to support a NATO or UN mission US troops are never under another nation's command. There will, of course, be at least one US officer on site so, I have to wonder what rank that will be: O4? O5? Higher? Will this role have enough brass, literally, to stand up to Israeli interests that might put American troops in harm's way?


Tony Haskins said…
my tax dollars should quit being sent to support that evil state . and Its illegal for our troops to be farmed out like hired guns , trump and the religious right{total idiots}
have completely over stepped their bounds here
its like dump wants impeached
and those supporting him are either stupid for not seeing this as it is ILLEGAL
or want trump impeached ...
this government/national voter base has gone completely insane
they treat the bill of rights
and constitution like toilet paper
Jon Mallin said…
It follows the theme of privatization and outsourcing. Directing the U.S. military is distinctly a U.S. government responsibility (and an important one at that) and many have lost touch of what it means to attack, abduct, torture and kill under American law and consistent with American values. We accept less responsibility and have less accountability the more this trend continues.
su ann lim said…
Umm... this write up makes the US military appear to be hired hands working for Israel in this new base. The US already has an independent base nearby. I wonder how the Arab world thinks about this new arrangement...
Jason ON said…
su ann lim that was another concern of mine.
Jessica Nguyen said…
That's so sad for the troops, seriously....

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