The title of this article might as well be: Russian Trolls Dupe Tens of Thousands of Self-Proclaimed Idiots.

The title of this article might as well be: Russian Trolls Dupe Tens of Thousands of Self-Proclaimed Idiots.


Originally shared by JR Buckley

Russian Trolls Promoted Trump While Trashing Black Lives Matter On Twitter


su ann lim said…
Why aren't Americans, of all walks of life, really upset that another country is using troll farms to this extent with the explicit goal, through imposter accounts, to incite and deepen divisiveness in your nation?
Olaf Fichtner said…
su ann lim because even if "Russians" did everything social and mass media in the US say they did, tell me which of those things hasn't been done by US individuals, corporations or other organisations before?

Bought politicians? Ahem, when does this not happen? Manipulated elections? Voting computers that deliberately did not allow auditing were introduced even before Bush II. (And very likely helped him win.) And this Twitter account? You're saying nobody in the US talks like that? Looks like regular tea baggers to me...

It has all been there. If "the Russians" did anything it was fanning the flames a little, they didn't need to start any fire...
Jason ON said…
su ann lim because the idiots over in #TrumpNation are too proud to admit they were duped in the first place.
su ann lim said…
Olaf Fichtner BTW the accounts have been linked to the most effective Russian organization. Of course politicians have been bought before BUT the difference here is before Americans were attacked by American interests with their own agendas, this time it is an organized attack by another nation with the specific goal to get Americans to self destruct. one of the four languages you speak Russian?
Olaf Fichtner said…
su ann lim no, my Russian isn't that good anymore, so I don't count it. I still speak it, but not well enough.

But you are right: Before it was Americans manipulating Americans, and that's OK. But others? Nah, can't have that. However, everything was in place: Supremacists, tea baggers, lobbying, elections that aren't democratic in the first place and can be manipulated...

And what takes some of the moral high ground necessary to make complaints meaningful: The US is doing this and more to a lot of other countries...

It's a pretty bad situation into which the country has been driven...

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