Didn't #DonaldTrump once speak his own version of words of wisdom when he declared: Healthcare is hard?

Didn't #DonaldTrump once speak his own version of words of wisdom when he declared: Healthcare is hard?

Seems like the entire #GOP doesn't get it.



Simon Vince said…
Holy fuckadoodle. Healthcare ain't hard. Everyone gets it but these fools who are against humanity.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, as many problems that the Canadian healthcare system has, I wouldn't trade it for anything else unless it was better than what I get currently.

These Asshats who don't think healthcare is for everyone need to have a rude awakening. And that goes for the priveleged here in Canada who think they'd be better off with a US style system. Maybe a trip on the Oregon Trail for these fools might cure what ails us.

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