Yesterday I added a week's worth of events to my Google Calendar via a webcalendar set up by the organizer of the...
Yesterday I added a week's worth of events to my Google Calendar via a webcalendar set up by the organizer of the event I'm attending. This was done via the desktop/browser interface and the events all show up on browser, but I noticed later in the day that none of the afternoon events were on my calendar. I wrote the events not showing off to me being tired but decided to check this morning. Sure enough, all the events for today but one, are missing on mobile. That means no reminders, no addresses, no event descriptions, etc.
So, I went to Google's Help site and found a solution that didn't resolve anything.
In the end I had to go to Settings ==> Calendar ==> Storage and clear everything before rebooting the device.
I guess Android finally caught up with Microsoft's "reboot to fix" functionality.
So, I went to Google's Help site and found a solution that didn't resolve anything.
In the end I had to go to Settings ==> Calendar ==> Storage and clear everything before rebooting the device.
I guess Android finally caught up with Microsoft's "reboot to fix" functionality.