I haven't watched Fight Club but the once. Is "snowflake" really from that movie?

I haven't watched Fight Club but the once. Is "snowflake" really from that movie?

Originally shared by Laura Grace Weldon


Anthony Ducker said…
It is mentioned in saying "you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake..." But a quick google shows that the term was used before.
Snowflake is what Nazis called Jewish people who came down as ashes at concentration camps you uneducated idiot
Jason ON said…
That's not what experts in language believe, Adamlee Borchardt. I guess you're the "uneducated idiot."
thinkprogress.org - The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
Still was used as a pejorative in Nazi internment camps you sick perverted waste of space
instagram.com - Instagram post by Salty Science • Sep 5, 2017 at 4:11pm UTC
Jason ON said…
Ah, yes, I provide proof from people who study such things and you provide ... nothing but an unrelated Instagram quote from Carl Sagan. And you really think you you're smarter than the rest of us?

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