#TrumpNation means you are devoted to his inauguration whether you wanted to be or not.
#TrumpNation means you are devoted to his inauguration whether you wanted to be or not.
via Rob Andersen
Originally shared by Yonatan Zunger
By Presidential decree, January 20th, 2017 has been named "National Day of Patriotic Devotion."
I shit you not. It is in the Federal Register, right here:
Our new government's propaganda department apparently has very twentieth-century tastes. I'm mentally interpreting this as an attempt to say "День все-страны преданности Родине" in English, possibly by a fluent but non-native speaker.
h/t to @kenklippenstein over at Twitter for spotting this.
washingtonpost.com - Trump names his Inauguration Day a ‘National Day of Patriotic Devotion’