#DonaldTrump has an insecure smartphone on his person, or st least near him.

#DonaldTrump has an insecure smartphone on his person, or st least near him. Isn't that swell? I suppose it's okay as long as he's not hosting his own secure server.


MTD said…
A Samsung Galaxy S3 with KitKat that hasn't had any security patches.
Jon Mallin said…
Ironic considering all he had to say about Hillary Clinton's email server. What the???
Lorne Thomas said…
So now you acknowledge that the private server was a problem because a report like this that is grounded in hearsay at best, so easily falls to the fringe of "Fake News." But I do know how you love that "Fake News"
Gord Wait said…
Comrade Putin is pleased. Probably doesn't matter if Trump turns off the microphone..
Jason ON said…
I was just about to post that myself, Thomas Tenkely. Your first post, not the laughter to Gord.
Jason ON the double standard in this junior high student council is incredible.
Jason ON said…
And if anyone's reading this still, up at the top, in my OP, I meant "unsecure" not "insecure." Only Windows phones are "insecure" these days.

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