No word yet on funding the wall, only that he expects Mexico to pay for it in one way or another.

No word yet on funding the wall, only that he expects Mexico to pay for it in one way or another.


MTD said…
But if we buy tacos from the taco trucks on every corner, wouldn't we have tacos? Oh this is about the wall. Well at least we would have tacos.
David Simmons said…
Good jobs program. Won't work, but it really don't matter. In a couple of years there will be a jobs program to demolish the wall.
Bodhipaksa said…
Net illegal migration from Mexico in the last few years has been negative. In other words, more undocumented immigrants have left than arrived. Isn't this wall going to keep them in? :)
Ariel Batista said…
Let start it now. Get the wall up.
Lily Alice said…
Why, Ariel Batista ? So people can't escape to Mexico to get away from Trump?
Ariel Batista said…
Lily Alice​ That is so funny. We need to stop all the illegal aliens. Immigration done correctly is always good.
Bodhipaksa said…
What percentage of illegal immigrants come over the Mexican border, as opposed to, say, arriving on tourist or student visas and staying on, Ariel Batista?
David Simmons said…
Trump should ask the Chinese how did the Great Wall of China work out. I guess in a thousand years it will make a good tourist attraction.

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