It's barely been a week since Trump was inaugurated as President of these United States and he's already written...

It's barely been a week since Trump was inaugurated as President of these United States and he's already written signed numerous controversial Executive Orders. One upcoming EO will focus on a ban of Muslims coming from certain countries.

But guess what? The ban isn't going to include countries where Trump has business dealings.

Barely a week into his presidency and Trump is already favoring his business connections over policy. Let us not forget, Osama bin Laden was a Saudi national as were 19 of the 9/11 hijackers. Many in the ranks of ISIS also come from these "allowed" countries under Trump's new rule.

Welcome to #TrumpNation, where sound policy comes second to business needs.

via Rob Andersen​

Originally shared by Chris Fink

but of course, what did you expect?


Jason ON said…
Ares Heart, he's a complete an utter asshat. But, like us all, he has the right to publicly embarrass himself so I let him go on commenting.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON I respect your keeping your sworn oath to uphold the constitution of the U.S. for what it is worth.

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