In regards to my other post:

In regards to my other post:

This is in Wyoming, we came around a corner to see this road gone. Gone! As you can see by one of the photos, there's a path beaten out of the shoulder of the road for vehicles to get by.

The first image is me hanging my legs over the side.

The Google Photos mobile app wouldn't let me scroll back to 2011 to find these, so I had to create a new post. Or fire up the laptop and that just seems like too much work.

Sash Walker​


Sash Walker said…
Whoa! After a few good days of riding we tend to forget that death could be around the next turn.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, we were moving along at a good clip. We'd started out in south Denver at 5:30AM and didn't get home until well after 10 at night. Long day. This, I think, was somewhen around noon. Maybe the info is in the exif data.

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