Having a Leffe right now.

Having a Leffe right now. A friend's friend bought a six pack, drank one and hated it. When my friend suggested I may like it she brought me the five remaining bottles.

It's not bad. Has a good flavor that reminds me of drinking bier in Germany. I'm actually quite sad to learn it's a domestic product, but I guess I should be thrilled to find a good American beer. I wonder if it's at least brewed from a 750 year old recipe or if it's just marketing.


Andrew Cutler said…
There are so many good American breweries. Two of my favourites are Rogue rogue.com - BEERS | Rogue Ales & Spirits and Stone Brewing http://www.stonebrewing.com/beer#ageGatePassed.
Jason ON said…
There are indeed good American breweries, but many of them are incredibly localized, without the demand or capability to ship across the country. I happen to live a stone's throw (from a very strong person) from Drydock Brewery, which makes a great hefeweizen.

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