When people accuse me of being one way online and another in real life, I have to remind them, I'm the same way all...

When people accuse me of being one way online and another in real life, I have to remind them, I'm the same way all the time. Sometimes I laugh more and sometimes I'm a little more goofy, but I'll never say anything online I wouldn't say in real life.

If anything, I'm more congenial in the e-world due simply to the fact that body language and demeanor are hard to read through a computer screen.


You didn't file a complaint against him., that's crucial in stopping officers liked Bob from abusing the laws that they are hired to uphold...
Jason ON said…
I want to see what the city council guy has to say, first. Last time I complained like this the Chief of police called me personally to apologize.

But I did write it down so I wouldn't forget any details.
Nate Taylor said…
Sounds like he was trying to bait you into something stupid. Good job keeping your wits.
Theresa Reel said…
what a special little badge holder .. one unfamiliar with his job description, the law, and common sense .. clearly
Michael Meyer said…
Good for you.  But now that you have written that, can you write a reports the same way you write online...........just kiddin...good for you
Jason ON said…
What, Air Cactus?
Jason ON said…
Not all, but they do seem to be the majority.
Michael Meyer said…
You cant blame a Cop for being a bastard. unless they work in Mayberry RFD. They have to deal with the worst people that society can breed, everyday. So its transitional at it takes a very mature person (and thick skinned) to deal with the worst people everyday, maturity is the ability to not take a bad day out on other people that did not create the bad day to begin with. And that takes age, experience and intelligence...

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