Have you hesitated to sign any petitions on the White House's website due to log in requirements?

Have you hesitated to sign any petitions on the White House's website due to log in requirements? I'll admit, I have. This is a game changer for me. Does it change anything for you?

Originally shared by Nextgov

t’s no longer necessary to create an account before signing a digital petition through the White House’s We the People website.

Officials on Wednesday removed the obstacle to participation.

“As of today, just enter your basic information, confirm your signature via email and you're done. That's it,” Ezra Mechaber, deputy director of email and petitions in the White House Office of Digital Strategy, said in a blog post.

To start a new petition, however, an account was still necessary Thursday.

Read more from Rebecca Carroll :


Dave Maez said…
Excellent news.  I also never signed one because of the stupid signup/login BS.
Michael Meyer said…
I have signed several petitions and yes, it was a major pain in the ass....but I vote...The problem I have is,  It is hard to find out if it is legit...or can the petition be just data Mining by the Government (NSA) and ignored..I have know Idea and no way to tell and there is no way to tell if multiple entries by the same person is signed, so the gov can just disregard signatures at will......?
Jason ON said…
Michael Meyer, it's a petition, not voting. They probably confirm it by individual IP and/or email and that's it. We're not talking national security here, we're talking about something as simple as the people's voice being heard and responded to.

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