I'm shutting down Google+ for the night and quite possibly for the weekend.

I'm shutting down Google+ for the night and quite possibly for the weekend. Why? This stupid #gifwars thing people are so proud of.

This Adam Black guy said he doesn't like gifs and now everyone is mass trolling him. Having been mass trolled like this I can relate to him easily enough. Have an opinion and the collective might of Google+'s lower class denizens jump on a bandwagon.

I just saw a post where someone wanted to jump on board and had to get clarification she was tagging the proper Adam Black. She wasn't even connected to him! Nor was she a part of the original discussion. She just wanted to follow the herd. When I called her out of it she claimed, "one gif doesn't make a troll."

Perhaps not, but she's contributing to a larger troll effort. One straw doesn't break the camel's back, but thousands will.

So, tonight, Google+ disgusts me. It probably will tomorrow as well. And possibly Sunday. I gave up Google+ for two months this spring and I might have to give it up again if this sort of behavior prevails here.


I am she, in case your followers were wondering.
Crystal M said…
I guess you missed the part where he said that if you share them more than once a week, you're an asshole. I mean, shit, never knew we could tell each other what to post and how often and people should actually follow... Opinion or not, dude is still a douche.
Brandy Ellis said…
I understand, I am not proud of my delight in the schadenfreude.
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
...and me as well (but I only posted one .gif in response and it shouldn't be too damaging)
Karen Elaine said…
I do what I want and you can both fuck right off.
Jason ON Don't let the door hit your aspergers on the way out.
Crystal M said…
Christopher Lira _slow clap_
Heinz Seijas said…
U don't want to hear something from someone u simply unfollow them and thats it. Like I just did
The Internet said…
Jason ON I watch you fap.
Waffles H said…
Elizabeth Bathory naughty naught, you need some spanking session lady ;) come to me
Glenn Costello said…
I've noted g+ is a hostile environment for dicks who like to describe themselves as awesome in their profile. There's always Facebook.
Aaron Wood said…
Jason ON this stuff has existed since G+ beta. Maybe you haven't been privy of it until now, but there's a certain sense of the wild west here with posses of people patrolling the digital countryside looking for "offenders" (In the eyes, and maybe in the general public.)

Plus this mentality has been around since the Internet pretty much existed in its modern form. Hell, I encountered trolls are far back as the 300 Baud modem days in various BBS.

It's a fine line you walk on here and the rest of the Internet. Yes, shit like this can get to you. Sometimes it gets to me too. You're probably doing the right thing by walking away for a while or even just tonight.

Just know this behavior will crop up again. And again. And again. From the OP's over the top rant against gifs to the virtual justice people feel they can mete out on others.
Waffles H said…
Glenn Costello I'm awesome
Glenn Costello said…
Wafaa H you are the exception that proved the rule
Yes Wafaa H .  Do I need to get the hose?
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
Still only place you can use .gifs besides Reddit. What is the problem?
god damn right I'm low class...
what Maggie Lopez said verbatim...
what Marc-Anthony Guzman , Maggie Lopez and Obi Debo said.
Crystal M said…
what Marc-Anthony Guzman , Maggie Lopez, Obi Debo and Karen Elaine said.
Jason Blalock said…
Looks mostly like the higher class citizens of the + who are trolling him. You think he'd feel honored.
I'd say that considering he poked a sleeping dragon in the bum, he actually got a fairly mild response. Unlike some corners of the internet there was no true hatred or vitriol, just a lot of people being irreverent, anarchic, defiantly contrary and frankly hilarious. He spawned a night of epic ribbing and anyone with a sense of humour should have seen it for what it was, Adam included.

It's funny how people read things differently. This made you despair of the community, whereas it made me want to high-five my entire stream.
Crystal M said…
Yeah I dont think my gifs were all that bad bwuahahahahahaa
Remy Parker said…
Jason ON Please do us all the courtesy of telling us what you don't like to see here on G+ and why we're not allowed to do it. Seriously.
Crystal M said…
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand why we SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do anything ANYONE says we should or shouldn't do on this PUBLIC forum besides Google themselves?? Hmmm??
Bruce Wayne said…
He didn't say he doesn't like gifs. He said anyone who posts more than one a week was a worthless piece if cow shit that should be scraped off your boot with a stick, and called us all pedophiles. (I may be paraphrasing a bit)
Remy Parker said…
Bryon Leggett That's exactly how I remember it.
Jason Bayton said…
N'aww Jase.. shredded.
Sash Walker said…
Remy Parker In my opinion you've misunderstood Jason ON. And by your tone, I have to wonder who is the pious one here.
Remy Parker said…
Sash Walker I respect your opinion and as a gesture of goodwill would like to know what you, as the owner, don't allow others to do on Google+?
Sash Walker said…
Remy Parker, owner of what?
Remy Parker said…
Sash Walker Apparently, the owner of a complete lack of any sense of humor.
Sash Walker said…
If you're implying that I'm assuming some ownership role on G+, then you're once again mistaken.
Sash Walker said…
I have a great sense of humor Remy Parker, but you're simply not funny, in my opinion.
Sash Walker said…
I agree with you Jason ON, completely. What an odd, weird group of trolls. So brave behind the keyboard.
Waffles H said…
Glenn Costello but but I am a dick?
Remy Parker said…
Sash Walker Well, that's just, like... your opinion, man.
Glenn Costello said…
Wafaa H I think the rulers of dickerey state that you have to have one to be one. Just acquiring one through marriage doesn't count, if still attached to the spouse. So if that is the case, than no, sorry, you dont qualify.
Sash Walker said…
It certainly is Remy Parker, but I'm a lady, not a man. Just like Jason ON expressed his opinion, and this Adam Black posted his opinion. I was curious about this whole pissing match with all of the trolls jumping on this guy because they obviously don't have anything to do on a Friday night, but I'm so bored with it all now. I'm done.
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
What you may not know, Sash Walker, is that Adam directly shared that angry post with several hundred people, we all got a notification on it, which was more annoying than anything and the fact many of us didn't even have him circled and it just felt like a direct finger-wagging by someone telling us how to Google+. I certainly wouldn't tell even my best friend how to do something in that manner, so it was just really rude, IMHO.
Jason Blalock said…
I didn't even know that he existed prior to him popping up and telling me what I'm not allowed to do on penalty of being moved to a different circle and perhaps blocked...
Glenn Costello said…
Sash Walker people lime Jason ON who don't use their real names, they are the brave ones
Crystal M said…
Yeah Sash Walker... We shared a ton of GIFs.... Big deal. We simply showed him how we felt about his opinion on GIFs. It would be different if we were all attacking him by threatening to harm him.
Glenn Costello said…
Bobbi Jo Woods I think Sash Walker trashed and then muted. Not so brave behind the keyboard I guess.
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
Another casualty of #gifwars  :'(
Jason Blalock said…
War is auto playing doodad HELL.
Lol Sash Walker is calling us trolls and she's the one not letting shit go... Hmmm here on G+ we have a way of neutralizing faggotry like that.
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
I'm not fucking anything at the moment, are you still going to block me, Ucantstop citizenj?
Brenda Curtis said…
I don't think troll means what you think it means, Jason. The pile on occurred because Adam trolled both the inbox and the stream complaining about their content instead of just muting/uncircling/scrolling past. It wasn't malicious or threatening- it was exactly the response expected if you know the people involved. If you don't know them then you're just being judgmental and in my book that's worse than an occasion right back at ya bro response.
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
I heard you do that ghetto clapping with every word as I read it, Maggie Lopez
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
I had a New Yorker in me once.

loljk #foreveralone
Karen Johnson said…
His misfortune has been a boon for me. I am loving all the interesting people who have responded. The wit is refreshing and so far I haven't found anyone who has been nasty. The worst, yet polite and endearing, ones are the "He started it." I'm still looking for the "Well, I'm finishing it!"
People who delete my posts suck ass-crack. :-/
The whole mess gave me a lot more lovely animated gifs for my collection.  <3
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
For your album titled, "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!"
been a very entertaining two evenings.
is the fucker still twisting in the wind or what?
Bruce Wayne said…
I just read this entire thread again.
Internet gold, I tell you.
My popcorn was delicious.
Vash Crowley said…
You know what's gold? The piss that belongs on Jason ON's whiny fucking face.
Jason ON said…
This is the first day I've logged back onto this account and perused Google+ since posting this. I've shared a post or two in the past, usually straight from Blogger but haven't spent any time on the Plus.

And I have to say, I'm so glad most of you aren't in my Circles. The swearing, the negativity, the vitriol over an opinion being shared and everything else here is just cause for my original post. 

I don't know this Adam Black guy and hadn't heard of him before this whole scenario. I wasn't in his circles and consequently wasn't a part of his share notification. 

However, instead of jumping on the trollling bandwagon, a simple blocking would have sufficed. But no, like the trollathons over at Reddit, the most insecure of you all came out to troll his inbox. Yes, this response was trolling, which has traditionally been defined as an intent to cause emotional harm. 

If the shoe fits ... 

So, the next time you all share a post about school yard bullying, remember when you were the bully. You won't, but you should. The next time five kids, 15 kids or a football team bullies someone, remember, you would be that bully. For you, this gif attack was nothing but harmless fun and for those football players or kids on a playground, their name calling is nothing but fun and games, too. 

You know, until someone breaks out a gun. But hey, you're safe behind your keyboard, right?

A keyboard which allows you to be as brave and obtrusive as you want, without fear of recrimination. It's easy to troll someone when they're half a world away, isn't it? It's easy to call names and tell them to STFU when they can't punch you in the face or dent your car. It's easy to be mean when there's nothing but an avatar looking back at you.

For those of you who aren't in my Circles, go ahead and congratulate yourselves on ensuring I never follow you. If this is your sort of behavior, then you bring nothing of value to my stream.

For those of you who are in my Circles. Well, it looks like I have a lot of pruning to do. Some of you, like Elizabeth Bathory, are in my circles due solely to Buzz. You bring absolutely no value to my stream other than nostalgia and a higher regard I once held for Buzzers.

Karen Elaine, Crystal M, Bobbi Jo Woods and others who I found on Google+ over the years will be uncircled as soon as I finish this comment. Actually, I have a whole list of commentors here to uncircle or just plain block. 

As much as I try to keep diversity of content as a main focus on my Stream, I don't have any patience for the kind of ugliness I'm seeing here.

I've met many Plusser in real life over the years. Many of them will probably tell you I'm the same on here as I am in real life, some won't. I don't have the time or energy to be someone I'm not. 

If any of you are in or around the Colorado area and want to address this in person, just call. I can usually make the time.
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
Okay bye

PS - not ONE of my comments was directed to you...have a good day anyway
Aaron Wood said…
Hey, at least my comment was constructive. :)
Jason ON said…
Probably the same reason you can't ignore this post, Maggie Lopez, without commenting on it.
The butthurt is strong in this one.
Karen Elaine said…
I already uncircled you when I read this. I stick by my comment. I didn't bully you or anyone. I commented with my opinion on a topic you openly posted about to the public.

I'm part of that public and have every right to comment with my opinion.

You post publicly and then get upset when people comment on that post but don't agree with you. How Self-righteous and conceited are you to think that we don't deserve the right to voice our opinion.

This wasn't a mob these are all individual people from all over the world many of which do not know each other but since the majority disagreed with you and your rant you want to cry foul and imply we did something wrong or immoral.

I call bullshit on that. 

Just because none of us agreed with you doesn't make us trolls, bully's or wrong. You not being able to sit there and read through these comments and consider that maybe YOU made a mistake make you weak and lame.

You need some help with the words you choose as well. 

I'll help you out with the definition of bully ... Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively impose domination over others.

My comment was 'I do what I want and you can both fuck right off'.  

I stand by that because I have the right to voice my opinion. This is America.
When you make a public post with your opinion you should expect some opposing opinions. If you only want comments from people who agree with every word you say .. you should not post public or you should lock comments.   

I'd suggest you do your own research on the word Troll because if you think I trolled you ... you have no clue what a real internet troll is and would shit your pants if you ever crossed paths with one.

 Good day Sir.
Crystal M said…
Dude please... you've been out of my circles and I'd forgotten this post and you even existed...
Waffles H said…
sigh too tired to read long comments
Jason ON said…
Karen Elaine, I never said you trolled me, I said you bring no value to my stream. You did however, tell me to "fuck off" and that vulgarity was not only unwarranted but uncalled for. 

You only prove my point.
Jason ON said…
Good, Crystal M. I'm about to forget you in ... 3... 2... 1
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
#murica  *waves flag*
Waffles H said…
Crystal M He must've gotten bored and wanted some attention.
*eagle screeches in background while Murrica the Beautiful plays...
Karen Elaine said…
That is your opinion you have the right to it Jason ON I continue to disagree. Your post was general and addressed a general group of people even before you tagged my name in to it. As I said I stand by my comment .. vulgarity included.
Jason ON said…
Waffles H, instead of talking about me, why don't you talk to me? It's simple. Just type "+" and then my name. I should be at the top.

Anywho, no. If you read my response, this is the first day I've been on G+ since the original post. I'm just catching up.
Glenn Costello said…
It must be a heavy burden to be so awesome. Can any of us look in the mirror and say we truly bring value to Jason ON's stream? And if we don't, well then what purpose can our existence have? It's a tough day people. Hang in there.
Jason ON said…
Karen Elaine, you brought yourself into this conversation.

My follow-up comment (post is generally the first one that starts the discussion) did tag you specifically. instead of scrolling up and down to tag everyone, I went by memory.

I'd been thinking about uncircling you for a while, this just happened to be the straw that snapped the camel.
Crystal M said…
Waffles H obviously.... I dont even know how he was ever in my circles. I fixed that a long time ago.
Jason ON said…
It is, Glenn Costello. Thanks for being so understanding.
Jason ON said…
Oh damn, Crystal M. I'd already forgotten about you and you had to come back and comment.

Why couldn't you have left well enough alone?

Alright, let's try this again: 3... 2...
Crystal M said…
Waffles H why is this fool still plus mentioning me if he's forgotten me? Bye fool...
Jason ON said…
Damn, Crystal M, you keep coming back. 

Let's try this again. 3... 2... 1...
Jesus wept is this inane nonsense really still going on?
Donte Adams said…
Hey Jason ON
Your mother didn't hug you as a kid, huh?
Seeks attention from Internet.
The Internet provides.
Still a whiny bitch.
That's this post in a nutshell.
Good day, sir. I say good day, sir.
Jason ON said…
Donte Adams, welcome to the discussion! I see your first comment is to insult me. Low ASVAB scores?
Ward A said…
Jason ON let's try this again in chicken, hairdryer, 7...
Jason ON what meds does your dr. prescribe?? I want some!!
Jason ON said…
Marcvs-Antonivs Gvzman, what do you mean? 

(and yes, I got the backhanded insult)
i mean exactly what i said...no hidden insult or anything...
Jason ON said…
Well, Marcvs-Antonivs Gvzman, you didn't say anything, you questioned something. And since I'm not on any sorts of drugs, I have to assume you had some hidden meaning to your question.

Since you asked what sort of drugs I am on instead of whether or not I was on drugs, you insinuated I must be under some sort of care from a physician or a psychiatrist.And since you know nothing about me other than my posting here, I have to conclude you're not asking about my physical health, just my mental health.

 _That_ is the backhanded insult.
if you were trying to do this you're doing it wrong
Jason ON said…
I don't control Google's code. If the underscores didn't work, then they didn't work.
Ward A said…
im reporting every1 in this post for being an fagt my uncle works at googl
Jason ON said…
Maggie Lopez, I had over 90 comments to respond to, discussing a variety of topics, so yes, I had to spend a few minutes typing that out. 

However, since we're not dating or married and you're not my boss, I don't really think my time management is any of your concern.
Ward A said…
Glenn Costello said…
Uh oh once the cap lock is on you know it's going to be a long night.
Sash Walker said…
I agreed with Jason ON so Karen Elaine you're incorrect. "Just because none of us agreed with you. . . "
This is an interesting discussion giving me some spectacular insight that I didn't need in my positive lifestyle.
and what is so negative and toxic about people disagreeing or expressing their opinion Sash Walker?? is it that it doesnt coincide with your opinion??
Karen Elaine said…
Sash Walker I was speaking of the majority so you may want to do a recount before you declare victory. The good news is you can disagree with me if you want ... it's your right. I don't hate you for it, I'm not offended, I'm not going to call you a troll or a bully or post a big ol emo rant about ragequitting .  c'est la vie
matt d said…
Jason ON I feel like I should be the one to break the news to you. We're honestly just not really entertained by you anymore.

You're sort of like Dane Cook. At first, and I think I speak for all of us, we thought, "Wow! Get a load of this guy! He's got new stuff! He's funny! I could get used to this!"

But then, we realized after far too long, "Wow, this guy is just a one trick pony! And he isn't even funny! He's just shouting nonsense! There is absolutely nothing I like about this person!"

You've run your course. The shenanigans, the fake names, the poor grammar, the constant spamming: we get it. It's just not that funny man. We don't really like you. So please, for your own sake, go and actually try to make some real friends. Because we aren't your friends. We never were, and we never will be. You aren't funny, you weren't funny, and you never will be.
Jason ON said…
And what does your (obvious) fantasy have to do with anything, Joel Schmitzelheimer?

Karen Elaine, a popular opinion doesn't automatically add morality, ethics or benevolence to a thing. 

matt derpson, then leave. It really is that simple.
matt d said…
Jason ON forgive english, i am Russia.i come to study Mechanical Engineering at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American video game and then we are kiss.We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i ** this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.
Adam Black said…
How did I miss this precious thread ?
Thx Waffles H !!

Jason ON  "A mob is just made of lonely people, who forgot they were lonely"  ... they just need a little reminding.
matt d said…
The butthurt is strong with this one. #thanksadamblack
Adam Black said…
Danial Hallock  but given that he hasn't been threatened with rape, murder, or had dick GIFs sent to him

and How are these so-called facts "given" to you?  It wasnt from me nor following all the posts , nor on my updates.

Interesting bit of Homophobia in that last comment.  In that you think deathreats are as bad as seeing penises.  And it equates a coordinated denial-of service campaign to saying mean things, and  flashing johnsons.
What Planet of Privilege ,  is this on?

If you also require  sending me pictures of your genitalia, like the rest I received in order to recover your empathy for access, there will be no hard feelings.  ( pun intended, but I'm keeping it  )

I'd day his hazing
Hazing! That is the first word in this sanctimonious paragraph that is fact. We agree on that.

is far more docile than the treatment most women
So what you are saying is homophobia, deaththreats, sexism, misogny, differed mysogy ;  and  rampant sexual harassment in a denial-of-service campaign is ,  OK?
as long its aimed at a nonwoman or someone safe to stigmatize?

How exactly does that work?

and non-dudebros here receive on a daily basis

I have no idea how you  define "dude-bro" ;  but to me  that sounds like nothing , if not a new social-media service for  physically fit men, to find a nightly love partner on .  From the very sad state of this thread, I don't there is a single "dudebro" here . Me  included .

< If you are actually a "Dudebro"  you may PM me . and  except for Danial Hallock I prefer pics in non-gif format  >
Adam Black said…
<<< Politely Takes Dom-gear from  Karen Elaine s hands.

..."I'll help you out with the definition of bully ... Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively impose domination over others." ..

I couldnt agree with you more.

This wasn't a mob these are all individual people from all over the world many of which do not know each

and you are the Queen of Hearts,  and I'm Lord of the Dance. I'm glad we can sort out reality from from fantasy.
Adam Black said…
For everybody else:  I wish to remind you,  I care deeply about all your hurt feelings.

Furthermore,  I wish to know in detail, exactly and precisely  what I did to causes such feelings.  I am making a list....
Please contribute...

Feel free to tell me,  all the things  you think I shouldn't do on the internet  ---- especially to you
I am sure , sooner or later , through trial-and-error , I will Internet correctly  without all theses horrible gaffes, to you .

I will try ...
Adam Black said…
Dudebro-esque Fistbump to Jason ON The Toasters : Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down

<  ;) Danial Hallock Did I do it right? >
Joe Lancaster said…
Maggie Lopez dat combo pasta
Charlee Halfnur said…
Definitely gotta add Maggie Lopez
Adam Black said…
Jackson Brantman He would sound like a classic 80s action-hero.
I can hear the tag-line now: "He's Hard-On CRIME, He's  Hard-Rules,
( speaks direcrtly to camara ) "Hard-On you"
Ward A said…
Good morning Tim S did you have any oats today?
Tim S said…
This guy is a chump Ward A, after reading this guys cancer inducing post I figured he needed help. And what's the first step to helping people like Jason ON? Nutrition! Fuck me running with a 2x4 if after reading the comments I immediately said to myself, I'm going to sit right down and tell this motherfucker exactly how i eat my motherfucking steel cut oatz.

I make a gigantic fucking batch every four days. When im done i have an enormous bowl of steel cut oatz and at this point i generally take the first few feet of my cock out of my pants and fap because the sight is beautiful.

Every morning i take a goodly portion of that fucking pond of glory and i pour vanilla fucking soymilk in the fucking bowl with the fucking oatz and i put them in the microwave where i picture them fucking while they heat up.

I've now got a bowl of hot oatz and an infallibly rigid dick but i am not done motherfucker and it is not yet time to eat.

I reach around behind me and grab my nuts from the cupboard and sprinkle a bunch of walnuts into the fucking bowl. I grab my raisins and i shake my raisins into that fucking bowl, i grab my prunes and i lay my prunes into that fucking bowl, and i grab my fucking naked banana and i layer it into that fucking bowl. At this point i collapse onto the floor and fuck a new hole into the hardwood of my kitchen because i just can't fucking stand my gorgeous fucking oatz, then i stand up and i eat that fucking bowl, the whole fucking thing including the bowl itself, without any utensils and then i go throw myself at the sex doll i have dressed up like the quaker oatz guy and i literally fuck it until my neighbors call the cops.

#steelcutoatz eryday bitches!
Ward A said…
Eric Hubbel said…
"Also, if I post something -- anything -- I am inviting conversation. I don't have to agree with you, you don't have to agree with me, but I love the conversation itself. Please feel free to comment.

I also tend to be objective rather than subjective, looking at things without emotion or empathy. Some people have blocked me because I didn't empathize with them, instead I tried to get more information to make a better informed conclusion. I think it's childish am immature to block someone because they immediately don't agree with you, but I'll survive."
Ward A said…
I'm going to block myself
Tim S said…
Marcvs-Antonivs Gvzman no just concerned about nutrition
Adam Black said…
Wow, I just thinking this thread was almost civilized  .  
----Damn shame it's not filled up with gluttonous , alcoholic, lowlife scumo'the-earth Skank-hoes.  and here you are  Angélica G

as in golden shower.   ðŸ˜œ
Karen Elaine said…
Lmao when this weak excuse for a male thinks name calling hurts your feels Angélica G u so phat bby
Karen Elaine said…
Welcome to the internet you call us assholes but your colors are showing thru
Adam Black said…
Karen Elaine You can dish it out plenty, but you cant take it.... 
< Unlike  a true skank  , Angélica G , whos basically a Giant human-sized rubber twat. I am sure she can take anything . And HAS.  >

Karen, You have lost of weird gender issues. I think you do need a 'strong man' or you wouldnt keep obsessing/ projecting over it.

So.. stop advertising you marital problems, take your 'weak excuse for a male' to marriage counseling and give him some Viagra
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
Angélica G pls confirm giant human-sized rubber twat.
Adam Black said…
Bobbi Jo Woods Do you really want to pry that liquor bottle, out of her vulcunized vulva-like grip, and bother her at the crackO' noon? 
OK, go ahead.
matt d said…
Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?

Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it. I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. 

There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end I think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs. 

Now I bang gazelles on a regular basis.
Jamaa L said…
1 out of 10 would copy this pasta
Ward A said…
Adam Black Lemme guess, you're 5'4"?
Karen Elaine said…
lelelelele I won't give you more internet game Adam Black
matt d said…
I'm just gonna say it. Adam Black is a nigger
Ward A said…
matt derpson I agree
Waffles H said…
Adam White please respond
Waffles H said…
Adam Brown please respond
Waffles H said…
Adam Green please respond
Joe Lancaster said…
Adam Azure pls respond
matt d said…
I'm naked right now

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