Seems Fox News will have anyone on camera as long as they say outrageously weird stuff.

Seems Fox News will have anyone on camera as long as they say outrageously weird stuff. Too bad if some of the claims are actually true (like Obama eating fudge in bed) they're drowned out by wild allegations such as Hillary being raped by Bill and sticking by his side for 30 years thereafter.


Steve Johnson said…
I don't think they're wild allegations, I actually think most, if not all, are true, just sensationalized.  I think politics is full of enemies and back stabbers, and has always been.  We never saw this stuff on TV before because there had been just a handful of news networks, and the networks had enough advertisers to be selective with their journalism.  Now that Cable TV has created hundreds of channels, there are fewer advertisers to go around, so news networks have to broadcast trivial and sensationalized news just to build an audience. That's why guys like Ed Klein now get visibility.  I think Fox News is less apologetic about its sensationalism.  Watch CNN, NBC, et al, and you'll see they spend as much time reporting junk news, they just do it with more stature.
SEAN PAN said…
Biden/Warren 2016.
Richard McMakin said…
Post this type of crap on the internet and some are stupid enough to think it's true. Pry on the ignorant, to encourage them to vote for your ideology.
Jason ON said…
This post is hot on Google?
SEAN PAN said…
Admit it. What you really want is to draft Dick Cheney to run on 2016 ticket.

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