What if I told you that an opposition party used armed forces to breach the security of their political rival for...

What if I told you that an opposition party used armed forces to breach the security of their political rival for nothing more than circumventing established rules? 

Sounds like something out of Egypt, Syria or some country in the middle of Africa, but it's not. This happened in Virginia.


Brenda Curtis said…
and the GOP is bitching because some Democrats switched to GOP for an election Tuesday to vote against some Tea Party knob. They got out politicked and as pissy as hell.
Jason ON said…
Like the anti-immigration GOP guy in Arizona who changed his name to Ceasar Chavez to get the Mexican vote?
Marty Nozz said…
HA!  They're ticked off that papers were delivered!  That's funny as hell.
Jason ON said…
No, they're ticked off that one branch of government used armed men to illegally enter the private offices of another branch of government.
Marty Nozz said…
Oh, so there's no chance at all that this is bullshit and being blown completely out of proportion by one website that wants hits considering I live in Virginia and there's no one at all talking about this?
Jason ON said…
Raw Story isn't your evening news, it's more investigative than that. However, it's always nice when you can defer to the discussion to the source instead of debating the merits.
Marty Nozz said…
Yeah, there's pretty much no merits to this.  Some officers delivered legislation to the Governor's office when he wasn't there.  And the officers had their sidearms with them?!  Egad!  

Lol.  I think I know why Raw Story isn't the evening news.
Jason ON said…
Do you understand what separation of powers means? It means one branch of government can't invade the other branch.

We're not talking about them leaving it on an unmanned desk in an non-secure room, we're talking about one branch of government invading another.

Ever heard of Watergate?
Marty Nozz said…


Oh, and Separation of Powers, too?  Please explain that to Terry Mack, because it seems no one else did.
Jason ON said…
Watergate was about one political party invading the private space of another political party. I think it's premise applies here.

And it is separation of power. Legislative and Executive. How ca you not see this?
Marty Nozz said…
They dropped off papers.  Where's the evidence that they took anything?  And I do know all about Separation of Powers, which our Governor seemingly doesn't since he's still trying to ram through his Medicaid budget-timebomb in spite of the State Legislation saying "no".

But seriously, this is tilting at windmills.  They dropped off papers.  The deadline for the budget was getting close, and we didn't want a state government shutdown.  There's nothing here.  You're comparing a delivery to a theft.  Come on.
Jason ON said…
They used armed policemen to invade a private space of, not only the opposing political party, but a different branch of government.

But hey, when the SWAT team comes over to your house in the middle of the night and invades your home, you won't care as long as they don't take anything, right?
Marty Nozz said…
It said in the article that you linked to that they delivered the papers.  That's all they did.  The article didn't say they did anything else.  Three lines of security let them in.  They didn't "invade" anything.  They were let in to deliver important documents.  

You seriously need to stop reading bullshit like this, man.  Dude, as a friend and I'm completely serious.  You really need to pull back from this garbage.  You're coming off like a conspiracy nutter.  Don't go down that road.

Edit: I did a bit of digging on this story.  It was one officer, Col. Pike, who delivered the papers.  Pike is the longtime head of the Capitol Police.  The Legislature told the Governor that it wouldn't be done until that Monday, and the Governor took that Sunday (Father's Day) off.  That's understandable.  The Legislature got it finished early and rushed it to the Governor's office, via Pike, because VA was facing its first State Government shutdown and we ain't having that.  And yes, Pike had his sidearm on him when he delivered the papers.  The article you linked to said it was the GOP, which is a half-truth, but the Republicans do have a slight majority in the Legislature.

As I said before, there's no story here.  Just people acting butthurt to score political points.
Marty Nozz said…
If I was reading too many comic books I'd be prone to go along with this flight of fancy.   The papers got to where they needed to be as quickly as possible.  This is ridiculous.  This isn't complicated at all.  There's no conspiracy here, aside from douchey politicians feigning indignation.
Jason ON said…
No one said it was a conspiracy, we said it was improper behavior and if this had happened in another country it would all over the news as a violating of democracy.
Marty Nozz said…
Its improper to deliver papers?  The Governor took the day off, which I'm not knocking as it was Father's Day and he had been told that the Budget wouldn't be ready.  But when it got done early they got it on his desk as quick as possible because time was tight and notified him about what they had done.

I know you say that you shouldn't go discounting news sources, but you have to admit that this article, with that title, is looking to pull the chains of those who have it in for Republicans.  And it seems to be working quite well.

This isn't even funny anymore.  You're getting played, bro.  Seriously.  I'm truly sorry that you don't see it.

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