If you're in the Kewanee, Illinois area and buy Harley, I suggest you buy from these guys.

If you're in the Kewanee, Illinois area and buy Harley, I suggest you buy from these guys.

Originally shared by ****

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Will Munck said…
Well shit. . good on them.
Wallace Roberts said…
Viral?  Oh, yeah.  Count on it!
Mark Micallef said…
Our freedoms? LOL, war has nothing to do with freedom. A soldier is just a terrorist you like.
Jason ON said…
You're calling me a terrorist, Mark Micallef?
Mark Micallef said…
Are you a soldier Jason ON? Do you use violence or the threat of violence to bring about religious, political or ideological goals in other countries?

I hear this talk of soldiers defending freedoms quite a lot, but see very little evidence for it. Mostly I see invasions of other countries to seize their assets or install favorable (and often unpopular) regimes. Or worse, faceless men and women dropping bombs by remote control.

Are these acts of state-sanctioned terrorism defending my freedom? I don't see how. No Iraqi ever threatened my freedom, but we did kill a million of them and somehow US corporations ended up with their oil. Funny how that worked out.

Not in my name Jason. The real enemy that threatens my freedoms are in the boardrooms and congresses at lot closer to home.
Jason ON said…
I am not currently a soldier, but I was and I can guarantee without doubt I was no terrorist. 

Why don't you move somewhere without an Army and see how well you like soldiers then. Because until you do, you're living in the lap of security that soldiers provide with their time and their lives. They're out there doing things you're too cowardly to even comprehend. You'd rather be a keyboard ranger and attack the very people who provide you the freedom to attack them. 

You, Mark Micallef, are the worst kind of ignorant. You place blame on the soldier when you're really upset at the policymakers. You're too dull to even realize your misplaced anger.
Mark Micallef said…
Jason ON It's interesting that your response contains zero facts, just mindless insults.

All I have to say to you is Not In My Name. The idea that people like you protect our freedoms is pure propaganda (which is a nice word for b-s).
Jason ON said…
Damn, my last comment didn't post. 

Let me see if I can recall what I wrote:

Mark Micallef, your previous post contained no facts, either. Merely conjecture and blame. Misplaced blame at that. What you have is a negative opinion on international affairs and have decided to place blame on the soldier (and presumably, airmen, Marines and sailors). 

You're a shortsighted fool.
Will Munck said…
I've always felt anyone saying "not in my name" with any actual conviction of cause needs to go join the opposing forces and fight for them...

Otherwise it's really just a lot of talk done under the blanket protection of freedoms secured by the very ones you so quickly condemn.
Mark Micallef said…
Jason ON More of the same unfounded insults from you.

I can't help noticing in this week's news the spiralling fall of Iraq to various jihadist groups. When we went in, the official line was that Iraq had long-range WMDs. Of course, that turned out to be a blatant lie. Then it was programs of WMDs. Another lie. Then it was that Saddam had links to jihadists. Yet more lies (this one quite blatant, if anything the former dictator had much to fear from the rise of jihadism). Finally, it was delivering democracy, a confection to keep the public pacified while US corporations pumped Iraqi oil. Follow the money trail, and you always get to the truth.

People like you are pawns in this game, thugs for corporate capitalism fed a steady diet of inspirational bullshit about defending freedom. But defending freedom for who? And from what? The freedom of transnational corporations to exploit and impoverish those who don't get a vote. Certainly. But protecting the common freedoms of our western democracies? That's a fairytale.

Perhaps you think Iraq was a one-off? The product of a corrupt regime that is now history. Regrettably, Iraq was one in a long series of US military adventures in support of corporate power. From the Banana Wars in the Caribbean in support of the United Fruit Company to modern day oil wars, it's one long racket in support of corporate power.

As conservative commentator Thomas Friedman pointed out in the NY Times, where McDonalds goes, McDonnell Douglas is never far behind. But this idea was better summed by decorated USMC Major General Smedley Butler in his book, "War Is a Racket".

It is you who has been played a fool. Next time, serve your country by staying at home and refusing to participate in terrorism.
Jason ON said…
Wait a minute, you tell me to go fuck off and then you claim I'm insulting you?

Again, your post does nothing more than reiterate my previous point: you have a problem with the policymakers and yet you're placing blame on the soldier. You're an idiot, Mark Micallef.

I never claimed Iraq was a correct or moral decision.
I never defended the military-industrial complex.
I never claimed the USA or Iraqi politics were ethical or justified.

I said soldiers aren't terrorists and you're a fool to think so.
Mark Micallef said…
Jason ON I see you still haven't addressed the core point, which is exactly how does military terrorism abroad protect our freedoms?

When I think about my freedoms, like the freedom of speech which I enjoy, or my rights at work, the right to choose any religion or even no religion, or the many other freedoms I enjoy on a daily basis, I thank the army of progressive activists down through history who have campaigned for and won those freedoms, the progressive politicians who enacted them, and the labor movement which fought on the industrial battlegrounds for our rights and dignity at work. Not the armed forces.

And when I think about who opposed those freedoms, it was always the established interests. Business, backed and protected as always by those with a legal monopoly on violence, both physical and economic. And who are their hired muscle? The police and armed forces.

When's the last time we had a credible external threat to our freedoms? World War II? The soviets were so busy executing their own commanders they could barely keep their own house in order. The jihadists, a home goal courtesy of Carter and Brzezinski.

So please, do explain how this "protecting our freedoms" works in your personal mythology.
Jason ON said…
Actually, Mark Micallef, this is a motorcycle community. I don't have to address any point you're trying to make on politics. 

I was actually just in a Community moderator's community discussing this particular conversation: how you took it off track and how you're beating a dead horse. The consensus is I've been too lenient on your behavior, so I'm going to ask this just the once:

If you're not posting about motorcycle related stuff, take it to your own stream or a relevant community.

I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, even when I don't agree with it, which is why I haven't taken steps to remove your comments or this conversation already. However, this isn't the proper place for you to vent your political opinion.
Mark Micallef said…
Jason ON Well Jason, that street goes both ways. Please do indeed keep it to motorcycles and not posting photos of political letters.
Jason ON said…
Okay Mark Micallef, now you're just being a jackass. This is a letter from a motorcycle store to a motorcycle owner.

You turned it into a political discussion. 

I've only ever banned one person from this community because he was spammer. You're getting dangerously close to being the second.
Mark Micallef said…
Come on Jason ON, stop fudging, you know this is a political letter. The whole point of it is that they're offering a freebie to someone because they're in the military "defending freedom". That is a political viewpoint. And you suggest people go buy from them for expressing that viewpoint. So it's a political post.
Jason ON said…
No, Mark Micallef, this is a letter about a company doing something good for a public servant. If you can't see that then you need to go away.
Mark Micallef said…
Jason ON Pretty damn cowardly. Goodbye Jason.

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