Apparently Metropolis, Illinois has a Superman fest every June.

Apparently Metropolis, Illinois has a Superman fest every June. Harold Chester and his family went down there today and took some pictures with the (literal) man of steel. 

I wasn't there. However, a couple of years ago I was driving nearby and and made the slight detour over to Metropolis (which isn't as large as as the name makes it sound) and took some pictures. There was no festival going leaving Rufus and I the place to ourselves.


Jason ON said…
Me or the guy in tights, Cindy Bullo?
Tom Gehrke said…
I was down there today, myself. Wonder how many G-plussers I didn't realize I saw. ;)
Would it be a bad idea to go there dressed as batman
Jason ON said…
Waliu Mustapha, you seem to be quite the Superman fan. Damn!

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