Not sure where else to drop this, so General it is!

Not sure where else to drop this, so General it is!

Science solves writing!

Originally shared by Iain Macadair

"We presented the first quantitative study that learns
to predict the success of literary works based on their
writing styles. Our empirical results demonstrated
that statistical stylometry can be surprisingly effec-
tive in discriminating successful literature, achiev-
ing accuracy up to 84% in the novel domain and
89% in the movie domain. Furthermore, our study
resulted in several insights including: lexical and
syntactic elements of successful styles, the connec-
tion between successful writing style and readabil-
ity, the connection between sentiment / connotation
and the literary success, and last but not least, com-
parative insights between successful writing styles
of fiction and nonfiction."

- Vikas Ganjigunte Ashok, Song Feng, & Yejin Choi


John Ward said…
Hey Jason ON. You're right. General is the catch-all category. This was actually posted earlier today. Here's a link to the already going discussion if you'd like to jump in and participate there:
Masha du Toit said…
Hi Jason ON  I'm going to remove this...somebody else posted it yesterday!  :)
 Hope you don't mind.
Jason ON said…
Ooops. Sorry guys.
John Ward said…
No problem, Jason ON. It's an active place. Sometimes, it's easy to miss things.
Masha du Toit said…
Whoop snap! Sorry I somehow didn't see John Ward s comment.

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