Do you use Facebook?

Do you use Facebook? I don't. I still have an account, but don't use it very often, a handful of times a year at best.

Originally shared by TIME

Find out how much time you've wasted on Facebook:


Evan Charlton said…
0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes
Nate Taylor said…
1hr 25min since April 2011. That seems a bit steep to me.
Dana Finster said…
I had to check... 3 days, 5 hours, 21 min since Aug 2008.  I can live with that.
Glenn Caldwell said…
Deleted my Facesmash account 1 week into Beta, never looked back
Tony David said…
May 2008, 24d 14h 18m, 6753 posts. Though I stopped using the thing somewhere around March, 2012
Gwenny Todd said…
YOU HAVE BEEN A MEMBER LONGER THAN ME!!!  Well, I couldn't join till they let alumni in . . . so it isn't MY fault.
17 minutes a day! Gotta see what the Dad an sisters an cousins are doing!
Glenn Caldwell said…
Gwenny Todd if that was aimed at me (?) I got in early only because I know all the wrong people. Early on it was pretty hard to get invites so no one blames you for not getting to the right place quicker 😉
Gwenny Todd said…
It was aimed at the person whose results that is . . .Oct 2005. . .I was Sept 2006.  And I know. . .I was probably one of the first alumni . . . I am an early adopter.  LOL
Chad Mosley said…
at 32 minutes a day on average for me it came out to 54 days since 2007.
Glenn Caldwell said…
I got into Facesmash late.
Nate Taylor said…
Curtis Edenfield that screen is a question. Give what you think your avg is per day/wk/Mo and it does some math stuff to 'calculate' your avg usage.
All in all it is just a novilty. Fun none the less. 
Edit: I fell for the same question/supposed result.

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