Have you ever felt scared of traffic?

Have you ever felt scared of traffic? I've known riders who won't street ride anymore and I've personally nearly been killed dozens of times.

Originally shared by NBC 6 South Florida

Motorcyclists in Miami want to make sure you not only hear them but see them on the roads, too. NBC 6's Steve Litz has the story >>> bit.ly/1eckyhS


Whether im driving a car or riding a motorcycle, I expect other people to do the stupidest shit. Common sense isn't common enough.
tom harley said…
My bike is loud and lights on it
Jason ON said…
There is not a single but of scientific proof associating loud bikes with safety, tom harley.
I used to get scared in traffic, but not since I first started riding. Now it doesn't bother me at all.
There's really only one thing that pisses me off, and that's when someone is tailgating me. I am clearly in their field of view and they are putting me in danger. I don't expect or need drivers to see me otherwise.
+tom harley And I've had someone turn left in front of me - with a fully functioning headlight and marker lights - because they "thought I was going faster than I was!"

Ride as if you're invisible - in most cases, you are!
J Mart said…
Never scared in traffic but I'm always riding defensively. Defensive driving isn't necessarily slow, as most of us know, but fully engaged in what is going on. Yes I've had many close calls, been cut off loads of times but not once was it a surprise to me.
The one thing that is difficult to deal with, and others have mentioned it is tailgating. For the life of me I can't understand why people tailgate a motorcycle. I just don't get it.
Almost been hit a number of times, one in particular was deliberate. Some people see no one on the road because they own it.
Rory Anderson said…
I'm not scared so much as wary.NYC by far is the most nerve racking.But just have to have confidence but not arrogance.I also dislike modulating headlights,I cut a biker off while driving an 18 wheeler because I thought he flashed me to turn. Jason ON ,there may not be scientific proof loud pipes save lives but I can attest that I almost got hit by a Prius because I didn't hear it walking crossing the street,however I heard a chopper while pulling out of my driveway before I saw it because of a bend in the road.
Rory Anderson lmfao @ walking across the street! !! yeah, if they are in a cage, just automatically assume that they're an idiot, & they don't see you there, so ride accordingly.
tom harley said…
I also have a great sound system on the bike, they roll up windows to use the phone lol
I had a few close calls, my first year of riding was pretty scary after that I was fine.

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