At least this author is willing to look at the male culture as something inherent and natural as opposed to the...

At least this author is willing to look at the male culture as something inherent and natural as opposed to the Feminazi need to punish men for being nothing other than men.

Great read by TIME.


Marty Nozz said…
Sounds like the film is just another piece of claptrap in a long line of bullshit that's pushed be dopes that won't be happy until every dude everywhere is a bunch of pussies.
Tom McGill said…
My favorite part is where there isn't a single man involved in the discussion of what it means to be a man.

Turns out that Feminists are pretty pissed when men do that to women.  

Love it when hypocrisy goes full circle.
Jason ON said…
J Schwartz, if you'll notice, my original comment didn't mention the trailer at all. I spoke on the need for more people to write about masculinity and femininity as a natural function, two sides of the same coin, if you will. Instead, the loudest voices tend to be feminazis who want to emasculate modern men.

Yes, I wasn't that clear in my original post, but that's what happens when I post form mobile.

If you'd like to discuss my opinion or any of the points brought up i the article I linked to, then feel free.
Tom McGill said…
J Schwartz I watched the trailer after the fact, but, yes it does talk about the same ridiculous misconceptions about the developing male mind that Feminists like to make all the time.  In fact, those people in the trailer I suspect won't be happy with the editing hack job because it seems like she took the most useful to her point soundbits they got.
Tom McGill said…
J Schwartz Nice typical feminist boilerplate argument.  

In academics, men are the minority.  Men haven't had tangible say in elementary school in forever (notice they're all female?) and in college men aren't even allowed to air their grievances without being an "MRA" etc, etc, etc.  I'd say we are a beaten minority now.  That's happened in the last 16 years since I've entered college for the first time.

Turns out that men don't have a hive mind.  Some actually believe the bullshit because they haven't noticed what is happening in the authoritarian world of progressives.  

So take your authoritarian, progressive attitudes and shove 'em.  You nor other progressives know no better than anyone else what is best.

Also:  This is woman making the film has 100% editorial control.  That's equal to having no say for men.  Isn't that women say all the time?
Tom McGill said…
J Schwartz You must be high, or something.  Antisemitism?  I guess I managed to piss you off.  Well, no surprise that people that want to tell everyone else has 'emasculation' problems about it.

You're a typical over privileged white male.  I'm not that, so whatever.  Feel free to stew over this.  I don't give a rats ass what you think.
Tom McGill said…
OH fuck that.  Blocked and reported.  So tired of these assholes on G+ that want to snipe from fake profiles.  Why the fuck did you even put up with this shit Jason ON ?
Jason ON said…
Tom McGill, I'm always interested in an exchange of ideas, even when one party f the conversation is so far out there they're embarrassing themselves.

I'm not entirely sure why J Schwartz brought up anti-semitism. Supposedly s/he (I don't know if s/he is a male or a female) did so as a comparison but s/he failed to make that connection. 

I agree with you, Tom McGill and Josué Santos Martín on this and have to wonder if J Schwartz even understands what the conversation is about. It seems his/her comments are more in defense of a failed hypothesis than actually discussing the subject matter.

Unfortunately, I'm having a bad hair day and don't have the time to respond to each point that's been made so far in this discussion. Maybe tomorrow.
Tom McGill said…
Oh Jason ON, it appears he's given me special mention on his page.

I'm coming really close to being done with G+.  I'm getting rather tired of dealing with Feminists on the Internet.   I can't get rid of them.
Jason ON said…
I've had to take a few steps back as well, Tom McGill. I have no problem with feminists and I truly believe women and men should be equal under the law, equal in society and have equal opportunities in life. However, when a feminist starts telling me I'm a rapist because I have male parts or I'm a misogynist because I don't defer to a woman's perceived authority. Yes, it does get old.

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