I'm not against gun ownership, carrying or conceal carrying.

I'm not against gun ownership, carrying or conceal carrying. I'm not against stand your ground style laws, either (although Florida's is ridiculously liberal) but who in their right mind brings out a gun over an argument about cell phones in a movie theater?

Seriously. Who?

Will this retired cop claim he was standing his ground against a verbal lashing or popcorn being thrown in his face? Will Florida let him off or does Skittles need to be involved?


Mone T. said…
On the surface this sounds terrible but I'm curious to find out more info. The retired cop was 71 years old, the victim was much younger. Did the victim try and assault the suspect as he threw the popcorn? Was there any violence before the shooting? did the suspect feel threatened? Some of these questions could make a difference.
Mone T. said…
That's what I'm talking about
Scott Loveless said…
To answer Jason ON's question.  A cop.
Cassius Wright said…
Yo this ex cop is totally screwed. And he should be. I concur with the guy interviewed for the article. Who brings a gun to a theater? Who shoots a guy over a cell phone? Before the movie started! For that matter if dude punched him in the balls he still would not be justified in shooting the poor bastard.
Jeremy Swigart said…
I'm not anti gun, but carrying a gun was this old mans artificial courage. The perceived power can make people do stupid shit.
Jeremy Swigart said…
Also, and not to imply fault. But this is also why it's a good idea to leave your testosterone at home. You never know what kind of lunatic you exchange words with and because these 2 egos clashed with a dipshit with a gun this father didn't get to go home to see his little girl. It's infuriating in its own way.

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