If my brother had internet I'd send this to him.

If my brother had internet I'd send this to him. He's the laziest most non-involved father I've ever met and the real tragedy is he's a single father.

The good news is, the girl (my niece), has nearby family keeping her alive.

I don't have any kids anyone's told me about. I have a dog. Generally, I treat my dog better than some parents I know treat their children and way better than a lot of dog owners treat their canine companions.

There's nothing wrong with being responsible, with doing the right thing over the easy thing. And there's nothing to be ashamed of about being a good parent.

This man knows what I'm talking about.


Julie Hayward said…
Great read. I'm so jealous of his wife and TOTALLY get what you're saying about your brother.
Thanks Jason! Great find!
I'm an involved Dad and I'm sorry for your brother. Anyone who isn't involved with their kids is missing out on the most important aspects of parenting!
It may not even come to them until their final days when suddenly they realize it and the profound regret that will come. Maybe they'll never understand (perhaps a small mercy)
Their kids.. now that's sad. All too often we take these lessons forward into our lives.. so those kids will have learned that Dad's aren't involved and see that as normal.
So the girls will likely accept males who are un-involved, and the boys will become un-involved dads.
James Marchant said…
Real Dad rips Haters a new one-F.T.W. Enough said.
Calvin Phuong said…
Go #TeamGrownAssMan  !!!
Christof Harper said…
What the unholy fuck? We've been doing this for 11 years. I admit I prefer the real baby backpack to the front carriers, but I have worn them.

I, the dad, take my 7 year old daughter out to her "beauty girl" appointments. Basic hair wash massage trim and style.

I give each child, 10.5 down to 3 years old, individual daddy trips out to town.

But. I am white.

I think that's the real issue here.

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