Former NSA staffers point out pretty clearly how the NSA, Congress and the President has lied -- or been lied to --...

Former NSA staffers point out pretty clearly how the NSA, Congress and the President has lied -- or been lied to -- in regards to the NSA's bulk spying program.

One of the paragraphs I found incredibly forthcoming was this revelation about an NSA executive who came on on September 11, 2001.

“As I pursued what I was tasked to do, I was surprised and deeply troubled to discover that, with a secret go-ahead from the White House, NSA had unchained itself from the protections of the Fourth Amendment and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. The vast power of NSA had been unleashed secretly on US citizens through a massive bulk surveillance program called STELLARWIND, a program completely unknown to most if not all of those working at the SIGINT Automatic Research Center."


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