
Showing posts from 2014

The End of the Year

I haven't written too much recently. The fault lies solely with me. Not that I haven't had the occasional burst of inspiration to jot some of my thoughts down, but because those bursts usually come when I'm nowhere near a computer, like when I'm out running errands or walking my dogs. One of the things I wish for the most is the ability to remember exactly how I word things in my head versus remembering just the gist  of the point I was trying to get across. Yes, I have a smartphone, but typing long posts is a chore when you're on the go. Physical keyboards made it better than these virtual ones, but typing on a 5.5" device is so much slower and burdensome than typing on a proper keyboard. Even then, with the holidays and whatnot over the past few weeks, I haven't even fired up the computer every day. Yes, yes: bad Jason. On the contrary, I have been reading a lot. It's been nice not being distracted by a keyboard and monitor, to just sit with ...

Downloaded #twitter onto my phone for the first time in a long time.

Downloaded #twitter  onto my phone for the first time in a long time. Going to give it a go for a month and see if it's something I'll continue using. I quit it before because it's boring. I mean really, who can have a conversation in 140 characters or less?

For those of you new to #wordpress or who just want a refresher here's 90 minutes of instruction for free.

For those of you new to #wordpress  or who just want a refresher here's 90 minutes of instruction for free.

Great stuff for photographers or artists of any medium.

Great stuff for photographers or artists of any medium. I didn't spend a lot of time behind the camera this year and it annoys me. I hope to bring photography back near the center of my life in 2015. Originally shared by **** So the new year has arrived, time to dust off the resolutions and make it a productive 2015.

Just let a few more people into the community.

Just let a few more people into the community. There are more I would have liked to add but there was no indication anywhere on their profile they rode motorcycles. No posts, no pictures, no "motorcycle rider" in the About section - nothing. So, if you got in, YAY! Welcome! If you didn't and you're reading this, please fill out your profile and request entry again. It's not that hard.

[Addendum Added Below]

[Addendum Added Below] Alright, alright, alright. It's that time of the month again. Or it will be. Or maybe it was already. Let's be fair, it's that time only if you're in the right timezone already. Anywho, most of the world is already on January 1st, so let's have another Profile picture contest. Yes, you read that right, it's time for a profile picture contest. For those of you who are confused, look to your left. Go ahead, just move your eyeballs;  no need to hurt your neck. See where it says "Motorcycle Riders: There's a Road Less Traveled - Ride It"? Right under there is the Profile picture for the community. Let's put another image there, shall we? The rules are the same: 1 ] You MUST own the rights to the picture or have the permission of the rights holder to use it. Image must also be of something motorcycle related.  2 ] If you used the image to enter last time, you can't use it to enter this time. That doesn't mean you can...

You know what just hit me?

You know what just hit me? Tomorrow is January! I kept thinking January was next week. Well, I suppose, technically, January is next week. I'd been playing with the idea of blogging more and Google+ing less for January. Instead of creating posts here, creating posts on my blog, so to speak. So, if you don't see me around too  much it means I'm trying to do that more than I'm trying to constantly check my stream. Who knows, maybe I'l be more productive.

What a fantastic read demonstrating the hypocrisy of, let's call them, active Christians, and the historical Bible.

What a fantastic read demonstrating the hypocrisy of, let's call them, active Christians, and the historical Bible. Most of this is old news to me, but it's nice to see it compiled in an easy to read linkable post for all to read. Originally shared by Flying Spaghetti Monster the earliest versions of Mark stop at 16:8. It’s an awkward ending, with three women who have gone to the tomb where Jesus was laid after the Crucifixion encountering a man who tells them to let the disciples know that the resurrected Jesus will see them in Galilee. The women flee the tomb, and “neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.’’ In early copies of the original Greek writings, that’s it. The 12 verses that follow in modern Bibles—Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene and the Disciples and then ascending to Heaven—are not there. Surely there must be some sort of debate or refutation of this fact somewhere? I cannot believe that the central tenet of Christianity - the resurrection o...

I still make my librarian work, just not as hard. Regardless, this is funny. via Yonatan Zunger​

I still make my librarian work, just not as hard. Regardless, this is funny. via Yonatan Zunger​ Originally shared by Piera Coppola And now, filed under weird & random... Wait, there were "Musical Orgies" in 1948? Which leads me to the question, what exactly is a "musical" orgy? I mean, do they have to rehearse the songs first or is it like an "America's Got Talent: Orgy Edition" kind of thing? Is Simon Cowell judging? Via the fabulous Bonnie Burton - #Funny   #Random   #Internet

Eeewww! Factory farms are horrible places.

Eeewww! Factory farms are horrible places. Originally shared by **** A Drone Flew Over A Pig Farm To Discover It’s Not Really A Farm. It’s Something Much More Disturbing. Pretty nasty!

At a steady -9° I'm thinking it's too cold for this sh!t.

At a steady -9° I'm thinking it's too cold for this sh!t.

Politicians love speaking in front of groups.

Politicians love speaking in front of groups. It's much easier for the group to take the time and money to organize an event and just let the politician come and speak about whatever it is the politician agreed to speak about. It makes sense, especially when you're not working on the national scale with TV cameras lined up to catch your every word. Now, should politicians vet groups for their political leanings? Absolutely. Something like this could bite you in the butt a decade later, but does that mean the politician is in cahoots or supports the mission of every group they speak to? Absolutely not. What we need to know isn't that he spoke to White Supremacists, but rather what he spoke about. Does anyone have a transcript of his speech? Is he really just, as he says, speaking about economic issue and political corruption, or is he saying he's inline with the group's lines of thought? All of us have associations that might be a red flag for someone else. When gr...

#Streamsync Actually caught this one yesterday but was feeling awfully lazy about posting.

#Streamsync Actually caught this one yesterday but was feeling awfully lazy about posting.
Well at least it's warned up. It went from a chilly -9°F to a balmy -1°F since I woke.


Yep. Originally shared by Aunty Acid Please Follow: Aunty Acid

No need to let it idle, unless you're still driving carbureted, then its going to need a moment.

No need to let it idle, unless you're still driving carbureted, then its going to need a moment. I rarely idle. By the time I get to the traffic light about an mile away my engine is running fine. Originally shared by Chris Mooney No, people, you don't need to idle your car before starting this winter

Listening to the neighbors fight.

Listening to the neighbors fight. Called the police but the neighbors only got louder after the police arrived. Before the police showed one woman could be heard screaming, "He pushed me down! You saw him shove me!" A girl came out while I waited for the police. She said she came to pick up a drunk friend but the two guys wouldn't let her friend leave the party and that's when the fighting started. Fun, fun, fun. It's too cold for this sh!t.

What a fantastic read!

What a fantastic read! via Marla Caldwell​

Two things:

Two things: 1) Don't show these kinds of videos to my mom. 2) What the hell were some of these guys doing? I mean, the wheelie guys going down I get but some of these guys were just riding along and bam they go down. Any who, be safe out there.

Death and taxes.

Death and taxes. The GOP has figured out there's only one you can't avoid. Apparently, even though the rest of us derided Kansas' experiment as foolhardy from the start, the GOP started backing off their no-tax rhetoric as Brownback's Kansas plans have failed miserably.

That would have been one hell of a birthday party.

That would have been one hell of a birthday party.

I think Wonder Woman gets it.

I think Wonder Woman gets it.

Uh-oh, facts! (Hint: watch the video)

Uh-oh, facts! (Hint: watch the video) Originally shared by Pierre Markuse 13 Misconceptions About Global Warming Usually it goes like that: You post something remotely related to climate change or global warming and the bashing in the comments starts. Is it real? Is it imagination?  Although most scientists agree that climate change is real, some of course don't. That's just normal and not a problem in itself. But it seems climate change denial is getting promoted for various reasons.  If you look up 'Climate change denial' in Wikipedia you'll find this definition here: Climate change denial is a denial or dismissal of the scientific consensus on the extent of global warming, its significance, and its connection to human behavior, especially for commercial or ideological reasons. Typically, these attempts take the rhetorical form of legitimate scientific debate, while not adhering to the actual principles of that debate.

I generally fall near 52/48 on the I vs E but otherwise I'm an NTP.

I generally fall near 52/48 on the I vs E but otherwise I'm an NTP. Which Marvel type are you?

I've seen it - it's horrible.

I've seen it - it's horrible. But don't take my word for it. Watch the movie (it's really easy to find) and make it popular. It can be payback for The Phantom Menace or at the very least that little kid that plays young Anakin. #starwars

You're not imagining it, the airline truly want you to be miserable. That's called unrestrained capitalism.

You're not imagining it, the airline truly want you to be miserable. That's called unrestrained capitalism .

Get your #StarWars comics for a really good price!

Get your #StarWars comics for a really good price! #comicbooks


Hmm.. neither of my pistols made this list. Of course, the only one that's close enough is the .22 and no .22s were presented on this list. But, let's be fair. A conceal carry pistol is designed for persona defense, not offense and not mobs of zombies. A .22 will suffice just fine. Not that I've ever felt like I needed to carry a concealed gun anywhere.

I'm not a game player but I'm glad to see #Firefly soaring on!

I'm not a game player but I'm glad to see #Firefly soaring on! Originally shared by Chris Kim A YES YES YES YES YES YES THIS. SO. MUCH. THIS.

KNow a little girl who needs a little something else for the holidays?

KNow a little girl who needs a little something else for the holidays? Or, perhaps, deep down inside, you're a little girl who loves the Frozen soundtrack. Either way, it's free. That's right: F. R. E. E. My favorite number.

Anyone get a Porsche for Christmas?

Anyone get a Porsche for Christmas? If you did, you and I have different problems. Regardless, here's some engine porn for you. Apparently, you really can find anything on YouTube.

I knew about Krampus and Black Pete but many of these are new to me. Christmas is dark.

I knew about Krampus and Black Pete but many of these are new to me. Christmas is dark. Originally shared by Yonatan Zunger I'm afraid that this article doesn't do a good job of answering the question it poses in the headline, but it does do a good job of describing the various yuletide monsters which are intimately involved in Christmas across Europe, from the Italian witch La Befana, who contents herself with leaving lumps of coal for the bad children, to Germany's Frau Perchta, who goes right to the heart of the matter -- so to speak -- slitting open the naughty children and stuffing their insides with straw. (Krampus splits the difference, simply showing up after Saint Nick with his own sack -- into which he stuffs the naughty children and takes them away. What their ultimate fate is, be it toiling in Santa's enormous toy factories in the far North, or simply ending up as a Boxing Day treat for the reindeer, is left unclear.)  To add a bit more context to this, the...

Yeah ...

Yeah ...

I know it's not very Christmas-y, but I just caught this trailer on a DVD I'm watching.

I know it's not very Christmas-y, but I just caught this trailer on a DVD I'm watching. I saw this movie about two years ago and it was - and still is - the best alien abduction movie I've ever seen.

Even Storm Troopers can do a good deed. #starwars

Even Storm Troopers can do a good deed. #starwars Originally shared by Kate Savage *After This Girl Got Bullied at School, These Stormtroopers Escorted Her to Her Holiday Party* #GoodNewscast   Kate is a tall 12-year-old that constantly gets bullied at school. When she told her mother she didn't want to attend her holiday formal, the 501st Southern Cross Garrison got involved. They're a group of guys that go around performing good deeds dressed as stormtroopers (and clone troopers, before anyone sends me hate mail). In this case, that good deed was suiting up and escorting Kate to her party. Kate dressed the part too, in a Princess Leia outfit. Read more:

Made some homemade gluhwein. Yum!

Made some homemade gluhwein. Yum!

Even black NYPD officers are targeted by white police. Now, please tell me how this isn't a racial issue?

Even black NYPD officers are targeted by white police. Now, please tell me how this isn't a racial issue? Originally shared by Kenneth Campbell Reuters : Off duty, black cops in New York feel threat from fellow police What’s emerging now is that, within the thin blue line of the NYPD, there is another divide - between black and white officers. [...] The officers said this included being pulled over for no reason, having their heads slammed against their cars, getting guns brandished in their faces, being thrown into prison vans and experiencing stop and frisks while shopping. The majority of the officers said they had been pulled over multiple times while driving. Five had had guns pulled on them. #BlackLivesMatter   #EricGarner

Feel good about people again. At least until the next cop shoots and unarmed kid.

Feel good about people again. At least until the next cop shoots and unarmed kid. via Kate Savage  Originally shared by Ray RedSpider She did not yell back at the homeless person, whose life earns her frustration. Instead, she listened. The homeless person was right, actually. And that's why this is a fantastic story. One that could happen a lot more if people quit judging the suffering for not being overwhelmingly grateful for little handouts from a world that could be doing so much better. QUIT. JUDGING. THE SUFFERING. #xl

Trying to save a dog's life.

Trying to save a dog's life. If you're in the NYC area and are looking for a great dog, this might be the choice for you! Originally shared by Tracy Olson SYRUP 2 Years Old to be destroyed Wed Dec 24 Manhattan NY Syrup is only 2 years old and will be euthanized tomorrow if a New Hope Partner doesn't step in to save her. Please share and advocate for Syrup tonight before it is to late... A volunteer writes: I must have passed Syrup's cage a dozen times with other dogs and she never uttered a peep, just laid there and quietly watched me walk by time and time again. When it was finally her turn she stood up from her rest and made my job of leashing her up easy by standing in position patiently waiting for me to put the leash around her neck. Found as a stray, this lovely, social dog seems to clearly have been a well cared for pet recently, and I can only imagine that she was named for being so sweet to all she encounters at the care center. She is an enthusiastic walker, h...

It was Monday Night Football tonight, right? [laughing so hard!]

It was Monday Night Football tonight, right? [laughing so hard!]

This was awesome.

This was awesome. There is no rewind on life If you have a couple of minutes, watch this, listen to him and then go do something.  via George Ferreira

This is actually some good advice.

This is actually some good advice. As one of those "socks and mittens" kids it does seem weird (in retrospect) that Santa gave better gifts to other kids. Of course, as a kid, I don't recall ever asking "What did Santa bring you" but rather "What did you get?" via Kat Khatibi  Originally shared by Shelly Sanchez Terrell Powerful message I saw on Twitter

I love facts! Especially weird facts. Reindeer, who knew they were caribou?

I love facts! Especially weird facts. Reindeer, who knew they were caribou? See that? I rhymed. I'm awesome. Originally shared by **** Reindeer: Twelve Fascinating Facts About These Amazing Creatures, National Wildlife Federation

Google made my life awesome. Ha! If only Google knew how awesome my life really is.

Google made my life awesome. Ha! If only Google knew how awesome my life really is.

You hear a lot of people on the far right spitting out rhetoric about President Obama being a dictator, that he's...

You hear a lot of people on the far right spitting out rhetoric about President Obama being a dictator, that he's crowned himself an unofficial King of America. And those people would know. It seems, the Right has taken many steps towards turning the President into a de facto monarch, they just don't like it when that power's being wielded by a Democrat. Examples:

Science is bad, M'mmmkay.

Science is bad, M'mmmkay. Or, at the least, that's how the Right sees science. Lie loud, lie often and stick your head in the sand when you need to. That's the GOP way.

Very well done!

Very well done! Via Marc Jansen​ Originally shared by Patrick N Holy shit 😭 this is the best fan made trailer..

Toy Run 2014

This year's annual Children's Hospital toy run was today. Luckily, for early December it wasn't too cold, about 40 when I woke up at 7am and then close to 60 as the day wore on. We met for breakfast and then rode over as a group to the staging are where we sat around for a few hours. I think someone said there were 2700 bikes represented, but then someone else said that was just the final wave. So figure, at least 2500 bikes showed and dropped off toys for sick children. After dropping off our toys and before leaving, a woman came over and thanked us. I asked if she had a child in the hospital to which she replied, No. But, she said. I did a few years ago and you motorcycle riders helped out tremendously. For the record, I brought a die cast metal Jeep for a boy and the Frozen DVD for a girl. Damir on an Italian Steed Cookies! Or at least, a Cookie Monster Bikes! Bikes as far as the eye can see! Vroom! Vroom!

I love maps and really wish I'd seen this one yesterday!

I love maps and really wish I'd seen this one yesterday! Originally shared by Trevor Stone (Stonebeard) Ever wanted to watch the solstice sunrise or sunset down a street or avenue in your local town?  There's a map for that. I particularly like the graph of the proportion of streets in each direction for each city.  Places like London have about as many streets at any given angle while almost every street in Beijing is North-South or East-West.

Then I must be the smartest most relaxed person in the world.

Then I must be the smartest most relaxed person in the world. Of course, reading the news increases stress, so it's all balanced out in the end. Originally shared by **** Books make you smarter! Yep, it’s scientifically proven that books are good for your brain. With a business to run, you need your noggin’ in tip-top shape. (click on link to learn more) ___________________ [ #PersonalDevelopmentPlus ] [ #EmploymentCareerPlus ] [ #ParentsTeachersTeens ] [ #WomenEmpowermentPlus ]

I read another article this morning stating Germany and other EU nations were filing suit against Bush, Cheney,...

I read another article this morning stating Germany and other EU nations were filing suit against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and more. Edit: a human rights group from Berlin filed suit, not the state of Germany: Apparently my memory is befuddled before I crawl out of bed. ;)

Coincidence or do you have your own conspiracy theory?

Coincidence or do you have your own conspiracy theory? Originally shared by H George Tavakoli Something Dark Is Here: Dead Banker List Has Reached 36 – COMPLETE LIST - See more at:

Solstice Fire

Went to a Solstice party last night hosted by my good friend, Glenda, the Good Witch of the North. Some fire dancers gave us a little show as they whirled and twirled bowls of fire in the night. I have some video as well, but I haven't seen them yet, so I can't tell you if they're good or not.
Math is hard.

I don't normally tell people how to dress, but ...

I don't normally tell people how to dress, but ...  Granted, this doesn't apply to everyone. I'm a perfect example of this in action. Your mileage may vary. Originally shared by Daily Bikers Hehehe... Teespring crowd funded T-shirt
I took a picture.

Hot Rod

Found this little toy car at the dog park this morning while out walking the dummies. So, being who I am, I decided to take a picture of the little thing. Now, I should mention, this car is about the size of a Monopoly piece. The first image is the original; the second being edited with the Snapseed app on my phone; the third is the Snapseed edit run through the Tsu photo editor powered by  Aviary ; and the final, edited by the Flickr mobile app. Original: Straight Out of the Camera Edited With Snapseed Snapseed Edit Through Tsu Flickr App Edit As you can seen, each image has it's own merits. Well, except for the first one, that one's just terrible. I'm still trying to get used to the new camera on the new phone.

What a fascinating camera (you have to scroll down to the bottom) and fascinating project!

What a fascinating camera (you have to scroll down to the bottom) and fascinating project! Kudos to those actors who participated. It couldn't have been easy going naked naked . As far as I'm concerned, they all look pretty much the same, just without makeup.

The Sony leak didn't just embarrass Sony's production arm, but also showed Sony working through the MPAA to stifle...

The Sony leak didn't just embarrass Sony's production arm, but also showed Sony working through the MPAA to stifle Google. And Google got mad.

Why aren't we connected on Goodreads?

Why aren't we connected on Goodreads?

Damn hipsters!

Damn hipsters! Originally shared by yiÄŸit bul Hipster Flintstones

Are they going to film it or expect us to just trust them?

Are they going to film it or expect us to just trust them? Originally shared by John Hardy It's for a good cause.

Why is the Science Channel​ showing Biblical Conspiracies? Did they run out of science?

Why is the Science Channel​ showing Biblical Conspiracies ? Did they run out of science ?

No, no, no Google, I said go back to 2000!

No, no, no Google, I said go back to 2000!

I almost never participate in #throwbackthursdays but I figured, what the hell?

I almost never participate in #throwbackthursdays  but I figured, what the hell? Moi. 1997. #throwbackthursday


Whew! Just added a bunch of new people to the Community. Took a chance on a couple, hoping they abide by the rules, so we'll see if my hunches were good ones or not.

A small step, but one that finally needed to happen.

A small step, but one that finally needed to happen. Now, we need to hold the police to a higher standard, not a lower one.  Originally shared by Reverend Eric Ha FINALLY!! Requiring police departments to report every single death they are responsible for is a great way to make them take a hard look at the facts of who they're targeting.

If Net Neutrality fails, you know who to call.

If Net Neutrality fails, you know who to call. Originally shared by William L. Weaver Gizmodo: Half of Anti-Net Neutrality Comments From "Shadowy" Koch Bros. Group.

I'm laughing so hard at Batman's expression.

I'm laughing so hard at Batman's expression.

Woo hoo! I'm in no way, shape or form destroying the world?!

Woo hoo! I'm in no way, shape or form destroying the world?!

I made a mistake. I clicked a link on a website. Now I want them all.

I made a mistake. I clicked a link on a website. Now I want them all.

Want to see happy dogs? Give them new homes.

Want to see happy dogs? Give them new homes.

So totally awesome! You're welcome.

So totally awesome! You're welcome.

Since moving to Colorado I've been telling people they're off, that at these altitudes their brains didn't develop...

Since moving to Colorado I've been telling people they're off , that at these altitudes their brains didn't develop right. Turns out I'm right. Who knew? Via a private share.

Hey, Good News! The SCotUS just decided that cops don't have to know anything! Woo hoo!

Hey, Good News! The SCotUS just decided that cops don't have to know anything! Woo hoo! Originally shared by Chris Fink (OLD PROFILE) plan on kissing more & more of your imagined and tenuous citizen freedoms goodbye... cc: Nic The MFing Tech Guy​

Sometimes you have to wonder if it's only ignorant racists who comment on articles on websites.

Sometimes you have to wonder if it's only ignorant racists who comment on articles on websites. Some of my favorites: _ ISIS1776 December 10, 2014 9:9PM This article should read: Car Thief Shot.  Not unarmed black man shot.  This guy obviously has no job, and no opportunities for either a good education or a good job.  The black president has been in office for six years and has done nothing to improve  the lot of any American citizen.  Obama is the president of illegal aliens.  Blacks stand back...Obama is saving illegal aliens who will take all your opportunities._ _ LGS2012 27 minutes ago @kastner63 @hadenoughignorance @whatwhoever What you fail to see is this POS has probably KILLED many, and has yet be caught for those crimes. You best hope you don't run into this criminal parasite you love so much....._ _ JETRANGER007 December 9, 2014 10:10PM Maybe if the Degenerate Thugs, weren't being Thugs and breaking the law in the 1st place things like this wouldn't happen !...

How do you make a bad situation worse? #Ferguson shows us how!

How do you make a bad situation worse? #Ferguson shows us how!

What happens when corporate lobbyists write legislation? Oh yeah ...

What happens when corporate lobbyists write legislation? Oh yeah ...

Doing is the best teacher.

Doing is the best teacher.

If you're in New Zealand or Australia keep an eye out.

If you're in New Zealand or Australia keep an eye out. Originally shared by Nicki Watson (TroubleDemon) MISSING PERSON NZ MISSING PERSON NZ **AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND** PLEASE SHARE *..Mel Watson is a 34 yr old 5 ft 7 caucasian female last seen in Beachhaven on the 21st November 2014 Mel has several tattoos the most distinctive are on both hands, Mel did not have her wallet, cell phone or car .Please share, help bring home Mel for Christmas. Any sightings or information contact the police Please help to bring my sister home for Christmas!

Interesting write-ups on the ULC.

Interesting write-ups on the ULC. In 2000 I registered as a minister with the Universal Life Church after reading about being ordained on the internet. That's me, rebel without a cause. A few of my FB friends and even a couple people over here are people I met through the church.

Other people problems.

Other people problems.

Are you using Flickr? Is this bothering anyone else?

Are you using Flickr? Is this bothering anyone else?
So tired! Off to read myself to sleep.

I'm fairly certain turning off a Veronica Mars marathon is just as difficult as turning off a Firefly marathon.

I'm fairly certain turning off a Veronica Mars marathon is just as difficult as turning off a Firefly marathon.

Yes. Totally this. I usually just sit there and respond with "I don't know what this says" over and over again.

Yes. Totally this. I usually just sit there and respond with "I don't know what this says" over and over again. Via Philena Farley​ Originally shared by Michael Hughes This!

I got Loki. I really thought I'd get Bruce Banner, the Hulk.

I got Loki. I really thought I'd get Bruce Banner, the Hulk.

I [heart] #maps and I [heart] #StarWars. Therefore, I'm a happy happy person right now.

I [heart] #maps and I [heart] #StarWars. Therefore, I'm a happy happy person right now. Via a private share. #cartography

Do you want to know what's ironic?

Do you want to know what's ironic? Warhawks under the Bush Admin argued that "enhanced interrogation" wasn't torture, and yet the DOJ set precedent by charging and imprisoning police officers for doing the same thing. Is this a case of do as I say or we're above the law ? I also find it hilarious that the GOP is running around calling Obama a dictator or tyrant for, presumably, violating laws left and right but they're eerily silent on 8 years of GWB.

Good. Now what about that pastor who wants all the gays killed by Christmas or no Santa for you?

Good. Now what about that pastor who wants all the gays killed by Christmas or no Santa for you? Originally shared by Chris Fink (OLD PROFILE) excellent!
Gods I hate Google Maps! What a most ridiculous service!

Google Drive Folder Syncing

Whew! What a giant pain in the ass! A few months ago, for a contract I was working, I had to download Google Drive onto my PC and set it up for syncing with the project manager so they could push out updates easily. At the time I thought it was convenient. That was until the project was over and I wanted to switch the desktop sync-folder from one Gmail account to another. That, it seems, was easy, but not very well explained. First, I found this explanation on Google's Drive Support Pages . Alright, I followed steps one through five on the Google Drive for your PC/Mac section, but couldn't for the life of me figure out what they meant with steps six through nine: 6. To sign in to another account, go to the Google Drive menu, and select Sign in. 7. Rename your Google Drive folder (example: Google Drive Archive). 8. Create a new folder titled Google Drive and don’t add any files in the folder. 9. Your files will begin automatically syncing.  Was this telling me to sig...

Canada killed wolves ... for what?

Canada killed wolves ... for what?

Okay, this had me laughing.

Okay, this had me laughing.

Story Time!

Story Time! Originally shared by DeAno Jackson Buddy of mine shared this video on the Book of Face, and I laughed at it (and replayed it) far too much to not share it with all of you as well.  Hunted it down on YouTube just for this reason.  You're welcome.

Thinking of getting a puppy for Christmas? Think some more.

Thinking of getting a puppy for Christmas? Think some more. Originally shared by Michele Cabral This holiday season and ALWAYS, please #AdoptDontShop, save a shelter pet's life! They are the best, most loving and grateful pets. You will be rewarded with unconditional love and loyalty that is unequaled.

For the people who don't know, I am the owner of this community.

For the people who don't know, I am the owner of this community. You can usually tell because it says "Owner" right next to my name up there. When I set this community up I set it up in a way to prevent spammers and other people from just using it as a link dumping ground to boost their view numbers. I set it up to where each and every profile has to be approved for membership. This means I (and presumably the moderators) go through each and every Profile requesting access looking for a number of things: 1- Are you a living breathing person? 2- Are you a motorcycle rider? 3- Do you just share the same content to every motorcycle related group you can get access to? 4- Do you have a love affair with the Share button? In other words, do you only rehare other's content? 5- If yes to any of the above, do you respond to comments on your posts or create an introductory comment to your share? These things, and I'll admit, hunches, are what I look for when previewing each...

Anyone in the Florida area, please be on the lookout.

Anyone in the Florida area, please be on the lookout. Originally shared by Alejandro Fernandez-Lovo Please share #miami #wynwood #missing

Words! Etymology! English! Oh my!

Words! Etymology! English! Oh my!

And what have we learned? Never trust the CIA to do anything more than lie.

And what have we learned? Never trust the CIA to do anything more than lie.

I'll admit, I throw hand fulls of bird seed out in the yard for the squirrels.

I'll admit, I throw hand fulls of bird seed out in the yard for the squirrels. I don't do it every day and I always throw it out in the yard, not in feeder or a pile. A couple of years ago I caught some raccoons foraging in a dumpster. Unfortunately, the dumpster didn't have a lot of garbage in it and the young raccoons were trapped at the bottom. Animal control came and got them out and they quickly scampered up a nearby tree. We do have the occasional coyote or fox that runs through the neighborhood, which isn't a strange site since I do live saddled between a state park and a golf course. The moral of the story is: don't feed the animals.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Copyright law now in a form most of you can read: the comic book.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Copyright law now in a form most of you can read: the comic book. Originally shared by Lifehacker Probably the coolest way to learn about copyright and fair use:

I think the last paragraph sums the situation up perfectly.

I think the last paragraph sums the situation up perfectly. People are too quick to believe a suspected victim over the presumed innocence of the suspected. Believing the witness should be the first step, not the only step. Over the years here on Google+ I've been called many names for daring the question the supposed victim's version of events. It didn't matter what the subject matter was: race, gender relations, religion, political ideology, as soon as I asked for clarification or started calling facts into question people tried to shame me with name calling: misogynist, racist, Teatard, libertarian, liberal pu**y, anything to change the conversation away from actually questioning the details. And yet, we should all be questioning everything. It's generally accepted knowledge that there are three sides to every story: two opposing views and the truth. That's why we have trials and investigations, why we have juries and not simply grand juries and why we always wa...

This is good stuff! I can't use it, but I'm sure someone can.

This is good stuff! I can't use it, but I'm sure someone can. Via William L. Weaver​ Originally shared by Parijata Mackey

Ever notice how when it's an unseasonable cold day all the conservatives take to the airways to say Global Warming...

Ever notice how when it's an unseasonable cold day all the conservatives take to the airways to say Global Warming doesn't exist, but when its the hottest year on record they don't say a word? Kind of like picking and choosing your argument. Something we all know the Right is good at. Originally shared by EARTH: The Operators' Manual 2014 is looking like it will be the hottest year on record, which is even more amazing because 2014 was not an El Niño year. El Niño generally produces the record-breaking warm years, and climatologists are predicting that 2015 will be such a year. When 2014 is made official, 14 of the 15 warmest years on record will have been in the 21st century.

I actually find +Stanahan's to be quite terrible so I'll take this author's choices with a grain of salt.

I actually find +Stanahan's to be quite terrible so I'll take this author's choices with a grain of salt. However, the takeaway here is that Americans are making single malts that are supposed to be pretty good.

A view from inside the system.

A view from inside the system. Former St. Louis police officer speaks out about racist police and a system designed to work against people of color.

Toy Ride today.

Toy Ride today. I heard the official tally had it at 2700 bikes but someone said they thought that number was for just the second half. Of course, it was great weather this year. We brought toys to the Children's Hospital in Aurora, CO.

Cops should be held to a higher standard not a lesser one.

Cops should be held to a higher standard not a lesser one. If they're acting like sociopaths then it's time to let them go instead of protecting them behind the thin blue line.

Pop Culture meets popping joints! Ha ha ha!

Pop Culture meets popping joints! Ha ha ha!  Originally shared by Mario Lombardo (Mac79) Retirement home reenacts famous movies for their calendar . Click here for the whole gallery (a thumbnail wouldn't come up for some reason):

Don't let the TV shows fool you, the police aren't interested in truth or justice, they're interested in ease,...

Don't let the TV shows fool you, the police aren't interested in truth or justice, they're interested in ease, expediency and protecting themselves.

What would it take to redesign American currency every few years?

What would it take to redesign American currency every few years? Would each and every detail have to go to committee? Would Americans welcome money honoring American accomplishments rather than dead presidents? On a side note: Andrew Jackson should be removed from money all together. He was our very own version of Hitler or Stalin.