Tragic and cowardly.

Tragic and cowardly. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these no-tolerance people who believe children should be mindless drones in and out of school. Bullying is a rite of passage for all of us, whether that bullying comes from peers, siblings, parents or elsewhere. It makes us stronger and teaches us how to cope in a world where principals and teachers aren't walking the halls.

While bullying in moderation might be beneficial to us in the long run, bullying someone who can't understand what's going on is the real travesty here. The poor recipient can't understand why these others are out to get her; she can't understand the depravity of these people who are attacking her for no reason other than she won't defend herself.

They're the cowards. Cowards who use anonymizers, who attack from the shadows, who act without integrity or honor. Shame on them.

Originally shared by Joel C

Pretty horrible bullying


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